What is its meaning?

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What meaning does it have calla in the bridal bouquet?

The calla in the bridal bouquet symbolizes beauty, recognition, purity, admiration and immortality. As a wedding flower, the calla can be used in many ways and goes well with roses, orchids or freesias. Their timeless elegance gives the bridal bouquet a special touch.

What is the meaning of the calla in the bridal bouquet?

The calla is symbolic for Beauty, recognition, purity, admiration and immortality. With this meaning, as a flower, it seems almost made for a bride.

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In the Middle Ages, the delicately folded calyx of the Calla stood for eternal life. Men used the calla to impress their beloved women and to win them over. Callas were valuable in the past and only those who had enough money could get them cut flower afford.

How does the calla come into its own as a bouquet?

This popular wedding flower is coming in many types of bouquets fantastic to the fore. Whether as Biedermeier bouquet, bridal bouquet in the form of a

waterfall, bouquet or scepter bouquet - the calla impresses with its exclusivity and elegance and also has a puristic effect. She can take both the lead role and the supporting role in the bridal bouquet. In addition, it can be made an eye-catcher with some floral decorations.

Which callas are suitable for the bridal bouquet?

All callas that long lasting flowers own and color match, are suitable for the bridal bouquet. Creamy white callas are most commonly used. But others too Colors has the Calla to offer. How about a sunny yellow, rich orange, pastel pink or soft violet, for example? You can't go wrong, especially with soft shades.

Furthermore, you should decide whether you want callas with large or small blossoms want to use for the bridal bouquet. Large-flowered varieties are usually more expensive.

What other flowers go well with the calla in the bridal bouquet?

To calla fit among others Roses, orchids, freesias and gerberas. Thanks to its simple elegance, the calla can be combined well with many other flowers. White callas go well with red roses or pink orchids. In the middle of gerberas embedded creates an exciting contrast between narrow and round flowers. A bouquet of white Callas and filigree ones is particularly pretty and timeless grasses or gypsophila.

What else can callas be used for at the wedding?

These flowers are not only suitable for the bridal bouquet, but also as car decoration, as table decoration and even as Brooch for the groom. The whole wedding can surprise with Callas here and there.


Watch the florist cut the callas

So that the bridal bouquet with the callas keeps its shape for a long time and you keep the flowers in good memory, you should probably keep an eye on the florist when buying. It is important that the callas are cut straight with a knife. If the stems are crushed with scissors, they will quickly wither.

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