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What is the best location for Alocasia zebrina?

The ideal location for an Alocasia zebrina is light to semi-shady, with 5 hours of light on a west or east window and protection from the blazing midday sun. Room temperatures between 19° and 25° Celsius and high humidity promote healthy growth.

Where is the best location for Alocasia zebrina?

The best location for Alocasia zebrina is bright to semi-shady, because the exotic elephant ear does not tolerate direct sunlight. These conditions are ideal for healthy growth as a houseplant:

  • On the west or east window with five hours of light and shade from the blazing midday sun as protection sunburn.
  • Room temperatures from 19° to 25° Celsius all year round.
  • High humidity, ideally at the level of the subtropical native regions in Southeast Asia.
  • In the summer months like on the balcony in the wind and rain-protected penumbra under an awning to protect from direct sunlight.

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  • alocasia care
  • alocasia leaves
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How can I improve location for Alocasia zebrina?

You can improve the location for Alocasia zebrina by:

humidifier put up that leavesspray with lime-poor water and hang up curtains as a filter medium for blazing sunlight. In the winter illuminate Plant the alocasia with a daylight lamp to compensate for the lack of light.

Too low humidity and lack of winter light are the most common causes when your Alocasia zebrina dies leaves hanging leaves.


In the unfavorable location, Alocasia leaves turn yellow

If the Alocasia zebrina is confronted with dry heating air and cold drafts at the location, the leaves turn yellow. If the air humidity is too low in the vicinity of the arrow leaf, the bold ones use it spider mites the favor of the hour. Undeterred, the pests suck on the plant sap, whereupon the leaves yellow color and die. When choosing a location, please ensure that there is a generous distance to active radiators, tilted windows or open doors.

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