Is the Alocasia poisonous to cats?

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Is the Alocasia poisonous to cats and how do I recognize symptoms?

The Alocasia is poisonous to cats because it contains calcium oxalate crystals, oxalic acids and their salts. Symptoms of poisoning in cats can include drooling, shaking the head, attempting to drink, refusing to eat, diarrhea and paralysis. If there are signs of poisoning, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

How poisonous is the Alocasia?

The Alocasia belongs to the arum family (Araceae), the majority of which poisonous are. That too arrowhead makes no exceptions in this respect: All parts of the plant, but especially the tubers and the milky plant sap, contain toxic calcium oxalate crystals as well as oxalic acids and their salts. Therefore, cat owners should prevent their four-legged friend from nibbling on the plant in advance. However, excess that collects in the coaster can also be dangerous irrigation water be. This, too, can contain scavenged toxins and be ingested by drinking cats.

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What are the symptoms of poisoning in cats?

Typical symptoms of poisoning in cats include:

  • heavy salivation
  • frequent shaking of the head
  • repeated stroking of the paw over the mouth
  • frequent drinking attempts
  • little or no food intake
  • little or no mewing or other vocalizations
  • diarrhea and exhaustion
  • uncertainties when walking
  • signs of paralysis
  • muscle tremors and cramps
  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • Inflammation of the kidneys up to kidney failure

In the case of possible poisoning, not all symptoms have to appear. How Alocasia poisoning manifests itself in your cat depends on both the severity and the constitution of your four-legged friend.

What do I have to do if I have symptoms of poisoning?

If you have symptoms of poisoning, you should contact a veterinarian immediately. visit a veterinary clinic. Also, take the plant a plant sample (eg. B. the nibbled leaf) and tell the doctor or tell the doctor which plant species is believed to have caused the poisoning. Under no circumstances should you induce vomiting, as this could only result in further irritation of the mucous membranes. Instead, give your cat plenty of water to drink (no milk!) so the toxins are flushed out as quickly as possible.

Is the Alocasia poisonous to humans and other pets too?

The Alocasia is only mildly poisonous to adult humans and large dogs, but can nevertheless cause mild symptoms of poisoning such as malaise and dizziness. Children, small dogs as well as other pets such as birds are due to their lower body weight more severely affected: The symptoms of poisoning can be more severe here, so that medical help must be sought must.


Wear gloves when pruning

The poisonous milky sap of the Alocasia can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, redness of the skin and even rashes. Therefore, you should always wear gardening gloves for care measures such as pruning or repotting.

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