Planting hanging baskets: 25 suitable plant species

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Planting hanging baskets 25 suitable plant species - cover picture

table of contents

  • Hanging flowering plants
  • Semi-hanging flowering plants
  • Drought-resistant flowering plants
  • Green plants
  • Crops
  • frequently asked Questions

A hanging basket creates a summery atmosphere at a lofty height. Not only hanging plants are suitable for hanging baskets, but also drought-resistant summer flowers or edible crops. There is a large selection of plant species.

In a nutshell

  • Geraniums and petunias are popular hanging plants
  • prefer hanging varieties
  • water frequently
  • flowering traffic light plants need sunny places
  • Green plants tend to prefer partially shaded to shady locations

Hanging flowering plants

Hanging geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum hybrid)

Hanging geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum)
  • Length: up to 100 cm
  • Flowers: simple, double
  • Color: white, red, purple, pink, multi-colored
  • Leaves: ivy-like, lobed
  • Care: high water requirement, fertilize regularly
  • Propagation via cuttings possible

Petunia (petunia)

Petunias (petunia)
  • Length: up to 100 cm
  • Flowers: simple, double, funnel-shaped
  • Color: white, red, purple, pink, yellow, orange, multi-colored
  • Leaves: dark green, entire, slightly hairy
  • Care: location in full sun, high water requirement, regular fertilization promotes flower formation
  • persistent flowering over the entire length

Schiefeller (Achimenes)

Slate plate (Achimenes longiflora)
Source: Vinayaraj, Achimenes longiflora 05, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Length: up to 80 cm
  • Flowers: simple
  • Color: pink, purple
  • Leaves: ovate, pointed, serrate
  • Care: high water requirement, fertilize every 14 days
  • perennial
  • how dahlias hibernate frost-free as a rhizome

Snowflake flower (Chaenostoma cordatum)

Plant for hanging baskets: Snowflake flower (Chaenostoma cordatum)
  • Length: up to 60 cm
  • Flowers: simple, funnel-shaped
  • Color: soft pink
  • Leaves: hairy, serrate, oval
  • Care: easy to care for, not sensitive to weather

Note: The snowflake is not yet widespread, but its easy-care properties make it an ideal plant when there is little time to care for it.

Split flower (schizanthus)

Plant for hanging baskets: slit flower (schizanthus)
  • Length: up to 100 cm
  • Flowers: simple, partially deeply slit
  • Color: white, purple, pink, mostly multi-colored
  • Leaves: pinnate
  • Care: prefer partial shade, prone to aphids
  • fast growing

Magic bells (Calibrachoa)

Plant for hanging baskets: Magic bells (Calibrachoa hybrida)
  • Length: 40 - 60 cm
  • Flowers: funnel-shaped
  • Color: white, yellow, pink, purple, orange, blue, multi-colored
  • Leaves: hairy, linear, tapering to a point
  • Care: regular fertilizers promote flower formation, sensitive to lime, keep moderately moist

Note: The magic bell is not directly related to the petunias, although they have similar flower shapes. In terms of care, the magic bell is a little more undemanding than the petunias.

Semi-hanging flowering plants

Blue Mauritius (Convolvulus sabatius)

Plant for hanging baskets: Blue Mauritius (Convolvulus sabatius)
Source: Krzysztof Golik, Convolvulus sabatius 'Blue Cascade' in Jardin des Plantes de Toulouse 01, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Length: 20 - 50 cm
  • Flowers: funnel-shaped
  • Colour blue
  • Leaves: oval
  • Care: low in lime, avoid waterlogging, fertilize regularly
  • expensive to maintain
  • is sensitive to waterlogging

Blue fan flower (Scaevola aemula)

Plant for hanging baskets: Blue fan flower (Scaevola aemula)
  • Length: 30 - 50 cm
  • Flowers: fan-like
  • Color: purple, blue
  • Leaves: ovate
  • Care: soil rich in nutrients, keep slightly moist
  • fertilize every two to three weeks

Hanging begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida)

Plant for hanging baskets: hanging begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida)
  • Length: 20-30 cm
  • Flowers: simple to double
  • Color: white, yellow, pink, red
  • Leaves: thick, dark green, serrate on the edge
  • Care: soil rich in nutrients, permeable

Great periwinkle (Vinca major)

Large-leaved periwinkle (Vinca major)
  • Length: up to 30 cm
  • Flowers: small, funnel-shaped
  • Color: blue-purple, white
  • Leaves: oval, leathery
  • Care: shady locations preferred, water regularly, fertilize moderately
  • belongs to the evergreen plant species
  • Protect the root ball from frost

Loyal to men (Lobelia)

Faithful to men, Lobelia erinus
  • Length: 15 - 35 cm
  • Flowers: small, simple, dense
  • Color: blue, purple, white, multi-colored
  • Leaves: lanceolate
  • Care: cut back after the first flowering, lime-tolerant, nutrient-rich
  • suitable for partially shaded places

Drought-resistant flowering plants

Blue Daisy (Brachyscome iberidifolia)

Blue Daisy (Brachyscome iberidifolia)
  • Length: 30 - 50 cm, upright growth
  • Flowers: simple, similar to daisies
  • Color: blue, white, pink
  • Leaves: fine, linear
  • Care: water moderately
  • Regularly remove dead inflorescences

Fuchsia (Fuchsia)

Fuchsias (Fuchsia)
  • Length: up to 30 cm
  • Flowers: bell-shaped, pendulous
  • Color: white, pink, purple, red, multi-colored
  • Leaves: lanceolate
  • Care: fertilize regularly, keep moderately moist, preferred sunny locations
  • only hanging varieties are suitable for hanging baskets

Purslane florets (Portulaca grandiflora)

Purslane florets (Portulaca grandiflora)
  • Length: up to 20 cm, slightly overhanging
  • Flowers: open, star-shaped
  • Color: white, pink, red, orange, multicolored
  • Leaves: lanceolate, succulent
  • Care: fertilize moderately, water occasionally, need full sun locations
  • tolerates dry periods

Convertible rose (Lantana)

Convertible rose (Lantana)
  • Length: up to 30 cm
  • Flowers: simple, grouped in umbels
  • Color: white, pink, orange, red, multi-colored
  • Leaves: ovate, serrate
  • Care: preferred nutrient-rich soil, moderate watering, lime-tolerant
  • can be overwintered cool

Hussar button (Sanvitalia procumbens)

Hussar button (Sanvitalia procumbens)
  • Length: 15-20 cm, forms cushion
  • Flowers: simple
  • Color yellow
  • Leaves: oval
  • Care: water and fertilize moderately
  • tolerates full sun locations

Two-toothed tooth (Bidens ferulifolia)

Plant for hanging baskets: Zweizahn - Bidens ferulifolia
  • Length: 15 - 30 cm, forms more of a cushion
  • Flowers: simple
  • Color yellow
  • Leaves: pinnate
  • Care: humus substrate, fertilize regularly, water moderately

Green plants

Ivy (Hedera helix)

Plant for hanging baskets: ivy (Hedera helix)
  • Length: several meters, without cutting back
  • Flowers: simple, grouped in umbels
  • Color: light green to yellowish
  • Leaves: three-lobed
  • Care: keep moderately moist, fertilize the substrate regularly

Tip: Multi-colored ivy species are particularly suitable for the hanging basket. They are perennial and easy to overwinter outdoors.

Efeutute (Epipremnum pinnatum)

Efeutute (Epipremnum pinnatum)
  • Length: up to 200 cm
  • Flowers: rarely blooms
  • Color white
  • Leaves: ovate, tapering to a point, green-yellow
  • Care: Avoid waterlogging, is also suitable as a houseplant

Note: Spray the ivy, regardless of whether it is in the open air or is cultivated as a houseplant in winter, with water that is low in lime if the drought persists.

Antler fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

Plant for hanging baskets: Antler fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)
  • Length: up to 100 cm
  • Flowers: does not form a flower
  • Colour: -
  • Leaves: antler-like
  • Care: sensitive to lime, needs a slightly acidic soil, moderately rich in nutrients
  • suitable for partially shaded to shady locations

Candlestick flower (Ceropegia woodii)

Plant for hanging baskets: Candlestick flower (Ceropegia woodii)
Source: Narrower, Ceropegia linearis ssp. woodii2, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Length: up to 100 cm
  • Flowers: small single flowers, rarely blooms
  • Color: Multicolour
  • Leaves: heart-shaped, delicate, green-whitish
  • Care: needs nutrient-rich substrate, watering moderately

Zebra herb (Tradescantia zebrina)

Plant for hanging baskets: zebra herb (Tradescantia zebrina)
  • Length: up to 30 cm
  • Flowers: small single flowers, cup-shaped, rarely blooms
  • Color: white, pink
  • Leaves: oval, tapering, green-white striped
  • Care: sensitive to lime, high nutrient requirements, partial shade preferred
  • suitable as a houseplant
  • slow growth


Pear melon (Solanum muricatum)

Pear melon (Solanum muricatum)
  • Length: up to 30 cm
  • Flowers: simple, slightly funnel-shaped
  • Color: white to blue
  • Leaves: narrow, pointed, dark green
  • Care: needs full sun locations, protected location is an advantage, watering regularly and thoroughly
  • suitable for fresh consumption

Hanging strawberries (Fragaria)

Plant for hanging baskets: wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
Wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
  • Length: up to 20 cm
  • Flowers: simple
  • Color white
  • Leaves: tripartite, serrated
  • Care: in full sun, water and fertilize regularly
  • Choose varieties that bear several times

Great nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)

Plant for hanging baskets: Large nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
  • Length: up to 50 cm
  • Flowers: funnel-shaped, rarely double
  • Color: orange, red
  • Leaves: lobed
  • Care: sunny to partially shaded, high water requirement, fertilize every four weeks
  • prone to Aphids

frequently asked Questions

Do plants always have to be hanging in the hanging basket?

No, plants like the hussar's head are ideal hanging plants that require little care. They do not grow overhanging, but can be combined very well with other hanging plant species.

How do I overwinter perennial ampelous plants?

Plants in the hanging basket that are frost-resistant are removed in autumn. The plants are placed on an insulating surface, such as a board or a styrofoam sheet. Perennial plant species that are not frost-resistant are protected and overwintered in the house. In winter, make sure to water the plants outdoors on frost-free days.

Do I have to cut plants in the hanging basket?

Some species benefit from pruning after the first flowering. Varieties like the petunia are permanent bloomers, from which you can pluck off the maximum number of dead flowers. However, you can trim down plants like ivy if it's too long for you.

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