The best tips for Monstera in Distress

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How can I mean monstera rescue when she has problems?

To save a Monstera, check watering habits, site conditions, pest or disease infestations, and trim off damaged leaves. Adjust care accordingly to create optimal conditions for recovery and growth.

Have you watered the Monstera too much?

The monstera likes it wet, but you should waterlogging avoid. Do you have too much and too often cast, water collects in the pot and the roots rot. rotten roots cannot give the plant any nutrients. The leaves then turn brown. Examine your plant. If the roots are rotten, you should replace their soil and cut off rotten parts.

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Is your Monstera suffering from drought?

Whether you poured too little and your Monstera is suffering from drought, you can easily test it. Stick a finger into the soil about an inch deep. If it's bone dry there, you haven't given enough water. It is best to treat the Monstera to a ten-minute immersion bath and then allow it to drain well. Give your plant a few days to recover.

Is the monstera unhappy with its current location?

Have you watered and fertilized enough, but the leaf tips of your Monstera are still turning brown? Then it may be wrong Location lay. As a tropical plant, it requires special conditions:

  • need monsters bright, indirect light. Ideally, they are placed in an east or west window.
  • they love it warm: In summer between 21 and 29 degrees Celsius and in winter at least 16 to 21 degrees Celsius.
  • Avoid drafts and cold.
  • Monstera favor one high humidity by 65 percent.

Is the Monstera affected by pests or diseases?

Check your monsters up pest infestation or Diseases. Can you small animals on or under the leaves or in the ground, it may be fungus gnats, thrips or spider mites. Isolate the monstera and give them a good shower.
If you discover brown spots with a lighter area, this could be due to a fungus, as the eye disease or the leaf spot disease, suggest. In this case, the affected leaves must be removed with a disinfected knife and discarded.

How do I care for a Monstera that already has damage?

Depending on the cause of the damage, the Monstera should be cared for accordingly. You can some damaged leaves at the base cut off. Be careful not to damage other leaves or aerial roots. If necessary, repot your plant and position it as ideally as possible. With contagious diseases and pests, the plant must be isolated for a few weeks so as not to endanger others.


Mechanical influences can also cause lasting damage to the Monstera.

Constantly cornering your Monstera's leaves against a window, wall or objects can permanently damage them. The place on a highly frequented walkway can also damage the plant through permanent collisions. Move your Monstera to a more sheltered spot.

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