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What can I use as a seed tray?

Empty, washed-out yoghurt pots, cans of white bleach, and fruit packaging are good examples of seed trays Plastic, milk containers that have been cut open, old soup plates and flower pots, egg cartons or those lined with foil boxes of mandarins. You can also quickly and easily make lots of small ones out of old newspaper and toilet rolls seed pots(€6.00 ​​at Amazon*) craft.

What can I simply convert as a seed tray?

As a breeding vessel offer various packaging materials and old household items at. You can also grow pots from old, readily available material tinker yourself. A few examples of alternative growing pots:

  • empty plastic trays (fruit wrappers)
  • yoghurt pot
  • Tinplate cans
  • Mandarin box lined with foil
  • Egg cartons (side with the indentations)
  • sliced ​​milk carton (ideally Cultivation pot for tomatoes)
  • old, discarded flower pots
  • Cultivation pots made from toilet paper rolls
  • Growing pots made from newspaper

also read

  • make-yourself-growing-pots
  • do-it-yourself seed trays
  • growing soil alternative
  • growing-pots-made-of-toilet-paper-rolls
  • potted tomatoes
  • propagation-pots-with-planting
  • growing-pots-made-of-newspaper
  • Tomato cultivation
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How do I make useable growing pots out of toilet paper rolls?

You will need some leftovers for upcycling Cardboard cores from toilet paper rolls, a pair of scissors and a larger, waterproof bowl.

  • Halve the roll once in the middle
  • Cut one end four times about 1.5 cm deep
  • Fold the tabs inwards one after the other
  • paper pots with potting soil to fill
  • place side by side in the bowl

How can I make seed trays out of newspaper?

Fold half a side in old newspaper into a two-ply piece of newspaper measuring about 35 x 12 cm. Wrap this around a thin bottle. The newspaper should protrude slightly from the end of the bottle. Fold the protruding newspaper bit by bit towards the bottom of the bottle, starting with the open side. Then get the bottle out and then press the bottom of the newspaper pot a little so that it can stand up better. These pots are also placed next to each other in a watertight bowl.

Do I have to pay attention to something with the alternative seed trays?

If the shells don't have holes, you'll either need to cast to fit, or before sowingdrill holes in it. Place perforated vessels on a sunken surface where excess water can collect. With all pots, especially those made of cardboard or newspaper, you must restrained casting otherwise mold can form on them. Set them up a little apart so they can dry off well. If you use a cover, air it at least once a day.


Plant newspaper and cardboard trays with the plant

Growing pots made of newspaper, egg carton or toilet paper rolls are made of natural material that can decompose quickly and in an environmentally friendly way in the soil. You should her plant out plants with it. This will prevent damage to the fine roots.

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