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Are Alocasia houseplants easy to care for?

Alocasia are rather demanding indoor plants that require special care conditions such as high humidity and indirect light. However, the Alocasia sanderiana is an easy-care variant that tolerates partially shaded to shaded locations and tolerates normal humidity.

Are Alocasia easy to care for?

Alocasia are moderate until challenging indoor plants to be cared for. The evergreen arum family (Araceae) comes from subtropical Asia. In a nod to their ornamental leaves, alocasia are also called arrow-leaf and elephant ear called. This is why an alocasia is difficult to care for:

  • Bright location with five hours of light without direct sunlight, otherwise sunburn.
  • High humidity, otherwise brown leaf edges and leaf tips.
  • Room temperatures all year round, otherwise yellow leaves.
  • Water evenly with low-lime irrigation water, otherwise root rot, kinked or hanging leaves.
  • Regularly fertilize, otherwise yellow veins.

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  • alocasia care
  • alocasia leaves
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Which Alocasia is easy to care for?

Among all known Alokasia has Alocasia sanderiana profiled as an easy-care houseplant. The tropical arum plant inspires with arrow-shaped, up to 40 cm large, shiny, metallic dark green leaves, patterned with white leaf veins and aubergine-colored undersides of the leaves.

Alocasia sanderiana thrives on semi-shady to shady location at room temperature and also tolerates a normal humidity of 40 to 50 percent. As long as you don't let the substrate dry out, fertilize weekly and the leaves with it rainwater spray, the alocasia decoratively sets the scene as an eye-catcher.


These five houseplants are easy to care for

In contrast to demanding Alocasia varieties, these five indoor plants are suitable for beginners and easy to care for: window leaf (monstera), fiddle fig (Ficus lyrata), rubber tree (Ficus elastica), bow hemp, mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria) and ivy (Epipremnum aureum). The evergreen foliage plants come from the tropics and thrive all year round at room temperature and high humidity. Good-naturedly, the representative indoor plants forgive one or the other beginner's mistake.

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