The meaning and origin of the plant

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What is the meaning of the eucalyptus for the Aborigines?

Eucalyptus has special meanings for the Aborigines in Australia: The tree symbolizes a border between the earthly world and the afterlife, the flowers stand for emotional strength and spiritual wellbeing. In addition, eucalyptus was used to drain malaria regions.

What does the eucalyptus tree symbolize?

The Aborigines consider the eucalyptustree as holy tree. In its tradition, the plant symbolizes a boundary between the earthly world and the afterlife, between the underworld and heaven. According to the old stories, the plant with its essential oils should not only be able to relieve the respiratory tract. The Aborigines believe that eucalyptus promotes spiritual purification.

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What does the eucalyptus blossom promise?

Symbolize eucalyptus blossoms emotional strength and mental well-being. So if you want to literally say something through the flower, this plant's flower lends itself to many occasions. You can use a dried bouquet or fresh branches for keeping

in a vase give away. Since the flowers move in a different color spectrum depending on the type of eucalyptus, you also have some design options here. These colors cover the flowers of the plant:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • White

Why is the eucalyptus sometimes called "fever tree"?

With the help of the eucalyptus tree were Wetlands drained from malarial regions. The plant can with its soil root remove a lot of water. The myrtle plant was used in some areas to drain swamps. In this way, the habitat of the malaria-carrying mosquito was pushed back.

Where does the myrtle plant come from?

Eucalyptus is in Australia and Indonesia native. No wonder the plant has its own place in the stories of the indigenous people of these regions. In this case it is a myrtle plant. The botanical name Eucalyptus has also become a common name in German. Over 600 different types of the plant are known. This means that the eucalypts are botanically broad.


Use eucalyptus for floral arrangements!

A eucalyptus branch not only looks good on its own. You can also use the branches of the plant as an alternative binding green. They stay fresh for a long time and spread a pleasant scent thanks to the essential oils.