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How long does the physalis germinate?

The germination time of the Physalis is about three weeks. Within this period the seeds generally germinate if they have enough light and warmth.

How long does physalis germinate?

The germination time of the Physalis is normally about three weeks. The prerequisite for this is that the environmental conditions are right – i.e. the right ones germination temperature and a suitable location are given.

Can you influence the germination time of the physalis?

You can see the germination time of the physalis only to a small extent influence positively. Place the pot with the seed at one bright and warm location. If it is too dark or too cold, germination can be delayed and take longer than the usual three weeks.


The Physalis is a light germ

Note when sowingthat the physalis a light germinator is. So don't cover the seeds with soil, just sprinkle them on top of that growing substrate.(€7.00 at Amazon*) Although the plant usually grows when the seeds are a little deeper in the ground, germination then takes unnecessarily longer.