The meaning of the aster

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What is the meaning of asters in flower symbolism?

Aster meanings are multifaceted and include hope, respect, esteem, love, wealth, variety, and patience. As an autumn flower, they symbolize old age and remembrance, while in September they are considered birth flowers.

What is the meaning of the word "aster"?

The designation "Aster" comes from ancient Greek and means translated "Star". The origin of the name can be traced back to the radiant or star-shaped flowers of the plants.
Since the flower shape is reminiscent of the stars in the sky, some meanings are associated with wishes and hopes, as if speaking to the stars. However, according to popular belief, one must not give up one's wish so that it will come true after three months.

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What is the significance of the aster as an autumn flower?

Asters in bloom in the fall are considered flower of old age and des keepsake. A bouquet of asters expresses respect and respect for other people. But you can, too, with a bouquet of asters

Hope express, for example for a specific project. The color of the bouquet plays a subordinate role. However, caution is advised with pure white aster bouquets, as these are considered cemetery flowers in this country.

What is the significance of the aster as a birth flower?

As the birth flower for September, asters become the attributes Love, wealth, diversity and patience attributed. Blue Asters as birth flowers stand for love, warmth and clarity.

The trait “wealth” comes up

  • the lush growth
  • the radiant flowers and
  • the colourfulness

of asters back. The properties "diversity" and "patience" refer to the flowering period in autumn. That's how she waits aster patient until its time has come and then blooms all the more luxuriantly.


Asters are bee friendly plants

In addition to being symbolic for humans, asters also have great meaning for bees. Since they start flowering late and show their flowers well into autumn, they are an important food source for honey and wild bees from late summer.