Effective method for a clean facade

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Can you remove ivy from the facade with machines?

Yes, flame device, high pressure cleaner,(€112.00 at Amazon*) Sandblaster or grinder can, depending on the subsoil, be of use in this work and the remaining attachment roots of the detach ivy. However, ivy cannot always be completely removed from the wall without leaving any residue, even with machines.

Can you flame ivy with a machine?

Provided one House facade absolutely solid and fireproof is, you can use a weed burner to burn the ivy residue successful get to grips. However, this is not completely risk-free, because the fire can unintentionally take on a life of its own.

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You must therefore make sure beforehand that no insulation made of polystyrene rigid foam, wood fiber, cork or hemp has been installed. With these combustible materials, there is a risk that they will ignite as a result of the heat generated by the device and that the source of the fire cannot be seen behind the wall covering.

How do you remove ivy with the flame device?

With the flame device you can Ivy leftovers char and pretty easy detach:

  • First tear off the tendrils.
  • Char the remaining clinging roots with the machine.
  • brush off residue.
  • If necessary, paint over light brown areas that are still recognizable.

Is the pressure washer suitable for removing ivy?

The smoother plastered the wall is, the more residue-free the root remains can be rinsed off with a high-pressure cleaner:

  • Use hot water and mix it with a lime-dissolving cleaner.
  • Moisten the ivy well again and again.
  • Scrape off the remains of the swollen root pieces with a brush or the dirt blaster for high-pressure cleaners.

Can I sand ivy off the wall with the grinder?

There are grinders that work for that quick and fairly easy removal of ivy from the house wall. However, this usually does not happen without damage such as chipped plaster and sanded paint.

After the removal of ivy from the walls need to be repaired frequently. In many cases, a new coat of paint is also necessary.

Can sandblasting remove ivy?

With these machines, ivy residues can be removed without chemicals and manual post-treatment relatively uncomplicated remove. The compressed air jets, which are mixed with a special blasting medium, are simply directed at the ivy residue on the wall.

This method protects the substrate and can be used on clinker facades, provided they are not high-gloss. It is advisable to have the ivy removed with the sandblaster by a specialist company, as the wrong approach can lead to massive damage to the house wall.


Getting ivy off wooden walls

You should refrain from using machines for wooden walls or old half-timbered houses. Instead, cut the ivy piece by piece with a pair of pruning shears and tear the shoots off the wall. If the whole house is overgrown, it is advisable to hand over this tedious work to a specialist company.