When does the beech hedge sprout?

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Normally a beech hedge drifts in between in spring early April and middle of May out of. Common beech (Fagus sylvatica) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) are among the hedge plants that sprout relatively late.

The shortcomings of late budding are compensated for by the shrubs by allowing the leaves to remain for a long time. One in particular beech hedge In this way, it provides good privacy protection until late winter.

after one pruning in February/March a beech hedge drives up at the beginning of June because the hedge plants have to regenerate over a longer period of time. With these measures you can accelerate the budding:


Accelerate beech hedge budding

When a Beech hedge does not sprout, the most common causes are drought, waterlogging or nutrient deficiencies. Penetrating watering helps against drought stress. If you can identify waterlogging as the cause, work a 5 cm layer of sand under the hedge plants. Nutrient deficiencies can be remedied by fertilizing with 3-5 liters of compost per square meter. If you cut back the beech hedge in March and June, you can allow growth and budding
