Monstera with brown spots? Causes and solutions

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How can you leaf spot disease at monstera treat and prevent?
To control leaf spot on Monstera, remove affected leaves, discard them with household waste, and treat the plant with a fungicide. As a preventive, pay attention to proper care, such as balanced watering, ideal location and Fertilize.

How is leaf spot disease detected on Monstera?

Leaf spot disease is actually a fungal pathogen. You recognize them brownish to black spotson the leaves. Depending on the pathogen, they vary in size and can spread over the entire leaf. In most cases, the spots are delimited with a darker border. Inside the spots are the fruiting bodies. If the entire leaf is affected, it dies and falls off. For the Monstera, an untreated leaf spot disease means severe leaf drop, poor growth and visual blemishes.

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Why does Monstera get leaf spot disease?

Mostly it is care mistakes on the Monstera that lead to leaf spot disease. love mushrooms humidity. For example, if you water the Monstera too much in winter, i.e. the resting phase, this can be enough to promote the spread of pathogens. Excessive humidity and

little air circulation trigger a fungal infection. Even if the Monstera by cold drafts, a cold Location or cold irrigation watertoo cold becomes prone to Diseases.

What helps against leaf spot disease on Monstera?

To effectively combat leaf spot fungus, you should infested leaves removed and dispose of in household waste. Affected leaves should
never end up in the compost as the fungi will spread there and be transferred to other plants. When cutting, make sure you work cleanly and disinfect the knife after each cut. That way the fungus can't spread any further. You must then treat the plant with a suitable fungicide and keep a close eye on it over the next few weeks.

How can you prevent leaf spot disease on Monstera?

To prevent leaf spot disease from breaking out in your Monstera in the first place, you should look at the right oneCare regard. Give your Monstera an ideal spot that is warm, bright and sheltered. Water them regularly, neither too much nor too little, so that the plant is kept moderately moist. Fertilize the monstera every two weeks in the summer and not in the winter. Avoid drafts, waterlogging and direct sunlight. With these tips you can maintain a healthy and highly resistant plant.


Pay attention to the plant neighbors!

Leaf spot disease can not only break out in Monstera. Often several plants have become infected with the fungi. So pay attention to the Monstera's environment. In order to protect them, their plant neighbors should not be affected either. Leaf spot disease also occurs, for example, in rubber trees, rhododendrons, cherry laurels, hydrangeas, peonies and numerous other plant species.