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What do I do if I see a bee nest in the tree?

A bee nest in the tree must not removed, but can leave there become. The bees are useful, and as long as you don't get too close to them, they're not a threat either. However, beekeepers could remove the bee nest if necessary and relocate the bee colony.

Why do bees build a bee nest in a tree?

Bees like old trees with hollow trunks because they like to make their nests in them cavities build. cavities or Tree cavities are dark, shady and cool, which is good for the bees, especially in summer. They use trees to build honeycomb and honey, and to raise their brood. If the Tree also a bee pasture such as fruit trees, willows, linden and acacia, they are even more attractive to bees. The source of food is then right on the doorstep.

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Is it really a bee nest in the tree?

Often it is not at a bee nest, but about one swarm of bees, who has only temporarily settled in the tree. Swarms of bees usually form in May. At this time, bees have already multiplied diligently and due to the large number in the hive, some bees swarm out to look for a new place to stay. A swarm cluster then forms in the tree, which can be recognized by the fact that there are numerous bees in one place. Such a

Swarm of bees can be captured if necessary become.

What should I do with a bee nest in a tree?

If it is indeed a bee nest, ideally it should be there leave become. However, if it is a major nuisance, for example because it is in a fruit tree that you want to harvest, it is advisable to use a beekeeper to give an orderto relocate the bee colony or the remove bee nest.

Is a bee nest in a tree dangerous?

Usually there is a bee nest in the tree not dangerous, even if that Bee nest in your garden is located and you are often present there. Bees are usually peaceful and do not seek confrontation with humans. However, if you are not comfortable with the bee nest and are too afraid, you can have it removed.


Do not confuse bee nest in tree with wasp nest

It may not be a bee nest at all, but a wasp nest in the tree. This can be recognized when there is a gray nest cover around it. In such a case, it is advisable to have the nest removed by an exterminator, as wasps can quickly become aggressive if you get too close to their nest.