A true paradise for insects!

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Why are globe thistles good for insects?

Globe thistles offer insects such as bees, bumblebees, butterflies and hoverflies valuable nectar and pollen from July to October. They are also insect-friendly, require little care and can serve as a shelter for smaller insects in the fall.

How are globe thistles valuable to insects?

The capsicum flowers, which are in spherical inflorescences, are packed to the brim nectar and are therefore almost swarmed by insects. They represent an important food source for insects from July to October, which is why they are generally considered to be insect-friendly.

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The insects not only use the nectar of the globe thistle, but also on the pollen, which are also sufficiently available.

Which insects like to visit the globe thistle?

There are numerous Insects that derive benefit from globe thistles. These include, for example, the bees. In addition, bumblebees, butterflies and hoverflies like to buzz around to feast on the nectar on offer. In autumn, smaller insects such as beetles are also interested in them

globe thistle – but less as a source of food, but rather as a retreat for the winter.

Why should globe thistles only be cut back in spring?

You should wait until spring before pruning the globe thistles, since the dried up inflorescences are a nuisance to insects shelter serve. Some beetles look for the globe thistle in autumn and hide between the former tubular flowers. This winter quarters is not only useful for insects, but also decorative. The dried flower heads look particularly pretty when hoarfrost forms on them in winter.

How often do defective insects appear on globe thistles?

Rather rarely defective insects appear on globe thistles. Sometimes globe thistles become infested with aphids when they are under stress. These are usually located on the underside of the leaves. In the course of this, ants also appear, feeding on the honeydew of the aphids.

What purpose do insects serve for the globe thistle?

Insects such as bees and bumblebees carry the pollen the globe thistle of hers Location continue to other globe thistles. So you help with that pollination and contribute to the increase. From time to time ants can also be seen carrying the seeds of the thistles.

Is the cultivation of the globe thistle profitable?

The cultivation of globe thistles profitable itself. Regardless of whether you plant a Ruthenian globe thistle or another ornamental thistle - with these plants you can do anything in no time and without much maintenance effort create an insect paradise. Just spring the seeds of the Sow globe thistle and keep moist for the first few weeks. Once properly established, globe thistles require little attention in the form of care. And you: Enjoy the steel-blue flower balls of Echinops all summer long and into spring.


Better to support globe thistles

If you have tall globe thistles, it's best to support them so they don't snap over the fall and winter months and insects don't have to flee in distress.