Amaryllis stalk curls up

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What should I do if the amaryllis stem is curling up?

If the stem end of the amaryllis has curled up in the vase, you need to remove it Shorten the stem with a sharp knife. To prevent recurrence of damage, you can use the end wrap with scotch tape. Repeat the process with every water change.

Why is it important to keep the amaryllis stalk intact?

So that the bloom of the cut flower lasts particularly long, must she constantly be supplied with sufficient nutrients and fresh water. For this she needs a healthy flower stalk, which should not be curled, torn or frayed at the end. If the handle end is damaged, transport is impeded. This can cause, that the Flower fades faster or even just a few days. With a good supply and a good location, flowering can take place in the vase shine well over two weeks.

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How to prevent curling of the amaryllis stem end?

To prevent the flower from prematurely wilting due to a curled stem, you should proceed as follows:

  1. Before placing the cut flower in fresh water, you should cut the stalk about an inch with a clean knife
    shorten. Make sure that the stem neither tears nor frays.
  2. Wrap the end with scotch tape. As a result, it gains stability and rolls up less quickly.
  3. Repeat the process every few days at the

What other tips do you use to protect the amaryllis stalk?

With these measures you can enjoy your amaryllis even longer:

  • Pour only as much water into the vase as is necessary. This will prevent the entire stem from rotting.
  • Add a nutrient powder to the fresh water to provide nutrients to the flower.
  • to a twist To prevent the stalk, which has to carry a heavy bloom at times, you can also carefully insert a wooden stick into the stalk. Or you can use the wooden stick to stabilize the flower stalk from the outside.


The Teasafilm trick also works well in the bouquet

Would you like one or more amaryllis flowers with other cut flowers in a Christmas bouquet arrange, the scotch tape trick is also good to avoid curling up the end of the stem and the amaryllis to give a stop. Christmas roses go particularly well with amaryllis in winter, cloves, roses, and leaves and branches of various sizes and shades of green to harmonize with the eye-catching amaryllis bloom.

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