It's so sensitive to frost

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How to protect the amaryllis from frost?

Amaryllis usually does not tolerate frost. Protect the bulb from frost by bringing it indoors and keeping the plant in a dark, cooler room during the dormant period. Only put the amaryllis outside again after the ice saints to avoid late frost.

How much frost can the amaryllis tolerate?

The amaryllis is not hardy and usually tolerates no frost. common sorts the Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) tolerate a maximum temperatures of around 15 °C. The least sensitive to frost is the garden amaryllis. It tolerates a maximum cold of -1 °C. Accordingly, frost quickly becomes a threat, since frost quickly falls below -1 degrees. Nevertheless, some dealers describe the garden amaryllis as hardy on paper.

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How to protect the amaryllis from frost?

Get the amaryllis bulb before the frost into the house and pack them well when transporting in cold environment. One potted plant should not be left outside until the minimum temperature. Amaryllis overwinters indoors in our latitudes. You can put the plant in a dark and cooler room during the dormant phase. Even here, however, the temperatures must not get too cold. When it comes to the minimum temperature, note the properties of the respective variety.

How do I care for an amaryllis after frost?

If the amaryllis has received frost, you should Onion dig up, retracted leaves cut off and the bulb dark and store dry. Since the plant parts of the amaryllis toxins included, you should wear protective gloves when cutting for your safety. Store the dug up onion for hibernate store in a dark place, for example, on a ventilated shelf or in a closed box with some sand.

When can I put the amaryllis outside after the frost?

You should too Avoid late frost. Accordingly, you should not put the bulbs of the amaryllis outside again too early. It's best to wait for the ice saints. When these are over, you can safely put the amaryllis bulbs outside. In general, the amaryllis also looks good on the window sill in summer. Many people therefore keep the plant in a suitable location all year round Location as houseplant.


The rest phase also saves you work

During the dormant period, you do not need to water the amaryllis bulbs or use liquid fertilizer fertilize. If you bring the flower bulbs into the house in good time before the frost and prepare them for the winter, you will also save yourself a lot of work. Hibernation is not that difficult. So you don't have to buy new amaryllis bulbs every year.