The perfect plant for bees?

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Are Blue Daisies Valuable to Bees?

Blue daisies are for bees valuable, as they bloom early and their flowers can be present throughout summer and into autumn.

Does the blue daisy provide a lot of nectar and pollen?

The Blue Daisies delivers compared to other flowers only little nectar and pollen. However, due to the abundance of flowers, it is significant to foraging bees.

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Why is the blue daisy bee friendly?

Although the blue daisy provides little nectar and pollen to bees, it is valuable to these insects because of its long flowering period. It reveals its numerous flowers as early as May. They can train again and again until October. This makes the blue daisy a permanent bloomer and therefore a bee-friendly plant.

How do the blue daisy flowers stay present for a long time?

So that Brachyscoma iberidifolia or Brachyscome multifida can, should, keep producing new flowers Cut off faded flowers regularly become. This is the only way to prevent seeds from forming and instead new flower buds to form.

In addition, it is important that Blue daisies before slugs eat to protect every two to four weeks fertilize and so on pourthat it does not dry out on the one hand and is not exposed to waterlogging on the other.

How does the blue daisy become a bee pasture?

Since it is not rich on its own bee pasture represents, it can only in Combination with nectar-rich plants become a bee pasture. The overhanging growth predestines the blue daisy for it. It can easily serve as an underplanting for nectar-rich balcony flowers in the balcony box or pot, such as:

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The perennial blue daisy (Brachyscome multifida) is also recommended for this purpose, although in contrast to the annual blue daisy it does not overhanging grows, but remains bushy and upright while remaining small.


Not only bees like the blue daisy

Don't be surprised if the blue daisy doesn't just fascinate bees. It is equally valuable for other insects such as butterflies, bumblebees and hoverflies in search of nectar.