Combine autumn anemones for blooming dreams until autumn

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With which plants can autumn anemones be combined well?

When combining autumn anemones, plants like hydrangeas, silver candles, dahlias, male fern, hostas, monkshood and grasses. Factors such as flower color, flowering time, location requirements and growth height of the autumn anemones are important.

What factors should be considered when combining autumn anemones?

For lasting and visually enriching combinations, you should consider the following factors of autumn anemones:

  • flower color: white, pink, fuchsia or crimson
  • heyday: July to October
  • Location Requirements: semi-shady, permeable and nutrient-rich soil
  • growth height: up to 150 cm

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Depending on the variety and location, autumn anemones can reach a relatively considerable size. They fit perfectly in the middle and also in the background of a bed. Make sure you don't put them in front of smaller growths so that everyone can enjoy them.

With their location requirements, the autumn anemones do not have a difficult time finding suitable companion plants. They can also thrive in full sun. However, the plant partners should be able to cope with a nutrient-rich substrate.

Thanks to their long flowering period, you can combine the autumn anemones fantastically with a variety of late summer and autumn bloomers to create a sea of ​​flowers. However, keep in mind the rather soft flower colors of the autumn anemones.

Combine autumn anemones in the bed or in the bucket

Autumn anemones can be beautifully underlined in their tenderness with grasses in the bed. The grasses should stand beside or behind them so as not to obscure the flowering cups of the autumn anemones. Another lovely combination is that between autumn anemones and various flowering perennials such as hydrangeas and dahlias, which provide contrasts with their rather large and heavy flowers.

Perfect for combining with autumn anemones are, for example:

  • hydrangeas
  • silver candles
  • dahlias
  • male fern
  • hosts
  • aconite
  • Grasses such as fountain grass, spike grass and diamond grass

Combine autumn anemone with monkshood

The monkshood goes with that autumn anemone, because they both value an im penumbra located location. They also require similar characteristics with regard to the substrate. Place the two next to each other in a deep pot and marvel at the bright violet of the aconite in combination with the delicate white or pink of an autumn anemone.

Combine autumn anemone with monkshood in the bed

Combine autumn anemone with hydrangea

In a group with several autumn anemones, hydrangeas come out handsomely. This not only creates a color contrast when you choose a blue hydrangea as a companion plant, but also a contrast between the flower shapes and flower sizes. Optimally fit low panicle hydrangeas or small plate hydrangeas with autumn anemones.

Combine autumn anemones with hydrangeas in the bed

Combine autumn anemone with hosta

The combination of autumn anemones and hostas is a partnership of flowering perennials and ornamental foliage perennials. The autumn anemones enhance the hostas with their flowers and the hostas give the image of the autumn anemones their juicy, fresh and decorative foliage. A win-win situation.

Combine autumn anemones with hostas in the bed

Combine autumn anemones as a bouquet in the vase

The slender flower stalks of the autumn anemones with their wide open flower cups fit into a late summer bouquet. Flowers with compact flowers like dahlias or long inflorescences like phlox. If you add a delicate grass like rabbit tail grass, the bouquet is perfect!

  • phlox
  • autumn asters
  • dahlias
  • roses
  • Rabbit Tail Grass
  • trembling grass
Combine autumn anemone with phlox and rabbit tail grass in the bed

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