Overwintering physalis cuttings: simple instructions & tips

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How can I overwinter physalis as cuttings?

Place the Physalis cuttings cut off in early November in a light and warm place at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius until they root. Then overwinter the young plants in a cool room at ten to 15 degrees Celsius. Constant keep moist, do not fertilize.

Is it promising to overwinter Physalis cuttings?

Usually it is promising, Physalis cuttings to overwinter. A guarantee that they will thrive and many fruit There's no such thing as training, but if you do it right, there's a good chance that the Develop cuttings into robust plantsthat give you a rich harvest grant.

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How to prepare physalis cuttings for overwintering?

How to prepare Physalis cuttings for wintering:

  1. beginning of November approx. Take 10 cm long head and shoot cuttings, each with 5 to 7 leaves.
  2. Cuttings in plant pots with a diameter of approx. 20 to 30 cm and potting soil put.
  3. Pour on and place in a bright and warm place where temperatures of about 18 to 20 degrees Celsius to rule.
  4. Keep constantly moist.

After about three weeks root the young plants. They can then move to their winter quarters.

How do I properly overwinter physalis cuttings?

Overwinter rooted cuttings of Physalis in one cool room at temperatures of ten to 15 degrees Celsius. Keep the young plants constantly moist, but fertilize you don't. After the last frosts in May, the plants are ready to move outside.


The benefit of overwintering physalis cuttings

In principle, you can also adults Physalis overwinter and thus last for several years in the best case. However, this is often associated with a relatively large amount of effort and risk - especially if you have to dig up the plants from the garden bed. Overwintering the cuttings is an easier way to cultivate Physalis over the years.