An ornamental plant with many advantages!

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From the species-rich family of barberries is the Ordinary barberry (Berberis vulgaris) best for bees. The decorative tree is commonly known under the names sour thorn and real barberry. Why this one Barberry Art the predicate bee pasture well deserved, these arguments get to the heart of the matter:

The real barberry inspires as a majestic, deciduous flowering shrub with bright yellow flowers in spring, deep red berries from August and a yellow-orange autumn colour. Other growth characteristics in brief:


Birds would plant sour thorn

The common barberry is far more than just a swarm bee pasture. When bumblebees and bees have done their job, the yellow flowers turn into dark red, nutritious berries. From August/September the table is laid for hungry birds at the Sauerdorn. Know every season birds appreciate the thorn-reinforced, impenetrably branched wood as a safe retreat.

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