Wonderful design ideas for combining the sedum

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Which plants can you use with the sedum combine?
Optimal companion plants for the stonecrop are steppe sage, lavender, ornamental grasses (e.g. B. feather grass, riding grass, fountain grass), roses, autumn asters, yellow coneflower, shrub veronica and autumn anemones. Be mindful of common site requirements and flowering times.

What factors should be considered when combining the sedum?

In order to emphasize and not diminish the picturesque image of the sedum through a combination, you should take the following factors into account Eye keep:

  • flower color: white, yellow, pink or red
  • heyday: August to October (Hohe Fetthenne)
  • Location Requirements: sunny, well-drained and sandy soil
  • growth height: up to 60 cm

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The flower color of the sedum is less bright and intensely pronounced. For this reason, it can be excellently combined with plants that have more intense colors, without the overall picture looking overloaded or kitschy at the end.

When choosing planting partners, keep in mind that the sedum plant only presents its flowers from late summer and until autumn.

As a worshiper of the sun, the sedum should be associated with neighbors who also enjoy growing in the sun. Otherwise, in the shade, their flowering bliss would decrease considerably.

Combine sedum in the bed or in the bucket

The sedum goes well with numerous perennials that reveal their flowers to the world in autumn. It is particularly eye-catching when it comes into contact with perennials that have elongated inflorescences. The plate-shaped inflorescences of the sedum form a nice contrast to this. On top of that, you can use various ornamental grasses to gently play around the sedum in the background and make it look even more natural.

Ideal companion plants for the sedum include:

  • steppe sage
  • lavender
  • ornamental grasses like feather grass, Reed Grass and Pennisetum Grass
  • roses
  • autumn asters
  • Yellow Coneflower
  • shrub veronica
  • Autumn Anemones

Combine sedum with steppe sage

The steppe sage suits the sedum because it loves sunny and rather dry locations on a slightly sandy substrate. In addition, it reaches a similar height as the sedum plant and can become a peaceful and at the same time contrasting neighbor. The flat inflorescences of the sedum - especially pink and white varieties - look extremely decorative next to a purple steppe sage with its towering spikes of flowers.

[picture: bed|stonecrop, steppe sage]

Combine sedum grass with lamprey grass

Another enriching combination is the compact and rather heavy-looking sedum grass and the feathery and fluffy looking pennisetum. They complement each other optically. Make sure, however, to place the sedum in front of the taller-growing pennisetum.

[image: bed|stonecrop, lamppennise grass]

Combine sedum with autumn anemone

If you plant the sedum with an autumnanemone combine, you will be able to enjoy a multitude of blooms from August to October. In this combination, the autumn anemone balances the image of the sedum and sets pretty accents with its long stems and graceful flowers.

[picture: bed|stonecrop, autumn anemone]

Combine sedum as a bouquet in the vase

It gets really autumnal with the sedum in the bouquet, when rose hips, hydrangeas and add roses. Something gypsophila gives the arrangement a delightful charm. In principle, all are suitable autumn flowers for a bouquet with the sedum, as the sedum is rather plainly colored and forms a stable base with its broad flowers.

  • roses
  • hydrangeas
  • clematis
  • Yellow Coneflower
  • dahlias
  • gerberas
  • rosehips
  • gypsophila
[picture: vase|stonecrop, roses, hydrangeas, gypsophila]