Indian nettle & powdery mildew: recognise, treat and prevent

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If powdery mildew appears on your Indian nettle, it is best to remove the plant cut back to the ground. Dispose of the plant parts in the household waste. If the location is too dry or if the plants are too close together, you have to find a new place for your Indian nettle.

Before you plant the Indian nettle in your garden, look for that right location. The plant needs a sunny to semi-shady place with nutrient-rich soil that can store water well. As a result, the plant grows vigorously and is less affected by powdery mildew. The Indian nettle needs an annual cut. In addition, it must be divided and transplanted every three to five years. This stimulates growth and strengthens the plant. The risk of powdery mildew is significantly reduced.


Indian nettles with resistance to powdery mildew

There are new breeds of Indian nettle that are hardly affected by powdery mildew. These varieties are based on a wild species. The advantage is that they no longer need to be transplanted every three years. They thrive more and more every year. Some of the powdery mildew resistant strains were named after Tom Sawyer's names as a reference to their native America.