Is Skimmia japonica hardy? All information

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Skimmie hardy

table of contents

  • Skimmia japonica
  • Hardy Skimmia
  • Additional winter protection
  • Hibernate: the instructions
  • Care in winter
  • frequently asked Questions

The Skimmia Japonica is one of the most popular plants for winter. The plants from Japan are known for their striking appearance. But is Skimmia japonica also hardy?

In a nutshell

  • is native to East Asia and is hardy
  • can basically stand outdoors in winter
  • A shady or partially shaded location is recommended
  • Protect with brushwood, leaves, straw or fleece
  • needs sufficient water even in winter

Skimmia japonica

In the Skimmie it is a plant that comes from the east of Asia. The Skimmia Japonica belongs to the diamond family. The bisexual plant has either male or female flowers. If you want to see berries after flowering, you need to cultivate both sexes. Basically, the Skimmie is suitable for different areas:

Skimmia Japonica
  • Bed
  • balcony
  • Houseplant

Note: Different types are available. In particular, the height and color of the flower differ significantly.

Hardy Skimmia

The Skimmia can basically overwinter outdoors without any problems. The winter hardiness is -20 degrees Celsius, so that frost damage to flower buds and shoots rarely occurs. As a result, it is a fully frost-hardy plant.

Additional winter protection

Possibly. however, there can be problems with the plant in cold winter temperatures. If the Skimmia has not been in its current location for a long time, you should think about winter protection. Various materials are suitable for this:

Skimmia Japonica
  • brushwood
  • leaves
  • compost
  • straw
  • Fir branches

Tip: Frost poses the greatest danger to young specimens of the Skimmia. From August onwards, you should reduce watering so that frost is less likely. Small frozen parts of the plant can be removed without hesitation in spring.

Hibernate: the instructions

Basically, the Skimmia can overwinter in the pot. The temperature requirements differ depending on whether the plant is indoors or outdoors.

  • Inside: 5-10 degrees Celsius
  • Outside: -5 degrees Celsius
Ornamental plant, berries

Different locations are ideal for overwintering in a pot. You can put the pot in the winter garden, the stairwell, on the terrace or in the bedroom, for example.

Tip: Outside, a shady place is the means of choice. Wrap the pot with foil and fleece to protect it from too low temperatures.

Care in winter

Although Skimmia japonica is hardy, you should take care of it during and after winter. Since it is an evergreen plant, you will need to water it throughout winter. Make sure the soil doesn't dry out. From February you intensify the irrigation, while the first fertilizer can be used in March.

frequently asked Questions

Is the Skimmia suitable as a houseplant?

Under certain circumstances, the plant can also develop inside the house. However, you should make sure that the temperatures are moderate. In particular, a sharp change in temperature can cause Skimmia japonica to suffer.

Which location is recommended for Skimmia japonica in winter?

Bare and frosty locations pose a risk to Skimmia. In addition, however, the winter sun is also harmful. As a result, you should be on a shady or value a partially shaded location.

What is the risk at high temperatures?

High temperatures in the house pose different risks. For one thing, the risk of pest infestation is greater. On the other hand, the plant can dry out.

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