Plants in the Bible

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The tree of knowledge: The pomegranate tree

The first tree mentioned in the Bible is the tree of knowledge, the fruit of which is forbidden to Adam and Eve (Gen. Genesis 2:16-17). In our latitudes, many automatically think of an apple tree (Malus domestica). However, it is a different apple the pomegranate tree (Punica granatum).

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You can easily cultivate this as a container plant, provided you overwinter it at two to seven degrees in a frost-free room. With good care, the attractive plant develops numerous aromatic fruits that ripen from October.

The Fig Tree

With the large, lobed leaves of the fig tree (Ficus carica), Adam and Eve covered their nakedness after the fall (Gen. Genesis 3:7). new breeds of this biblical plant, can withstand temperatures of up to -20 degrees, you can also cultivate in Germany, please note a few things.

In a sheltered, sunny location, the tree will reward you with numerous, juicy, aromatic fruits. However, the robust outdoor figs absolutely need good winter protection so that they do not freeze back.

The myrtle

As a souvenir of paradise, Adam is said to have broken off a myrtle branch and taken it with him. In addition, Myrtus communis was already one of the four plants of the festival bouquet for the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles in the time of Jesus Christ.

The legendary myrtle is quite easy to cultivate:

  • It needs a bright, warm location to bloom profusely.
  • The container plant is cultivated in a mixture of one quarter azalea soil and three quarters coarse sand.
  • A little finesse is required when watering: never let the soil dry out completely, but do not overwater the small shrub.
  • Only fertilize sparingly.

The Burning Bush

The burning bush in which God revealed himself to Moses is about the diptam (Dictamus albus). This forms a lot of essential oils, which self-ignite in strong sunlight and give the impression that the bush is on fire.

The plant, which smells intensely of lemon and vanilla, enchants with its beautifully shaped foliage and attractive inflorescences. It blends in well with a border of perennials, is drought-resistant and easy to care for.


The "Rose of Jericho", a dry ball of twigs that springs to life on contact with water, is a popular Christmas decoration. According to legend, Mary held such a plant in her hands when she gave birth to the baby Jesus. Although this is not proven in the Bible, the plant, which unfolds every year, exudes a very special magic during the Christmas season.

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