Barberry Fruits: Harvesting, Processing and Enjoying

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What can I use barberry fruits for?

The fruits of the common barberry are edible but very acidic. You can extract juice from it, jelly or make jam. It is also possible to dry the fruit. Properly processed, the fruits offer you a lot of vitamin C and a healthy diet.

Are barberry fruits poisonous?

The pulp itself is not poisonous, but the seed of barberry included harmful fabrics. Consequently, when processing, you must ensure that you do not use the seeds of the plant. Most other parts of the barberry plant also contain it poisonous fabrics. Among other things, these pollutants are found in it:

  • berberine
  • magnoflorin
  • berbamine

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You should also harvest only the common barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and not others barberry species relate. This is the variety that is native to Germany and Europe.

Can you eat the fruits of the barberry raw?

The fruits of the barberry are also edible raw. However, since they taste extremely sour, they are rarely raw eaten. It is no coincidence that the barberry is also known under the names sour thorn or vinegar berry. Processing with the addition of sugar takes away the sour taste of the fruit. Even dried fruits of the barberry are no longer so acidic.

When can barberries be harvested?

You can get the fruits of the barberry from end of August on until the beginning of winter from the Harvest barberries. The red fruits remain on the bush even in frost. With the barberry, you therefore benefit from a long harvest time. However, they are also very popular with birds. If you wait too long, there may not be as many fruits left on the bush.

Do the fruits of the barberry have a medicinal effect?

Barberries can against digestive problems help. One healing effect is mainly attributed to the root bark of the barberry bush and the leaves of the plant. In order to avoid contact with toxic substances, you should only use the leaves externally and use industrially manufactured preparations for the root bark.


The fruits of the barberry are also visually appealing

When the red fruits of the barberry hang on the bush, the bush achieves a special effect throughout the winter. The sour thorn is therefore both as a hedge as well as in the bucket very popular.

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