Where are the differences?

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What is the difference between branches and chrysanthemums?

There are several differences between asters and chrysanthemums. The two plants differ in particular in the shape of their leaves. But the characteristic, astringent smell is clearly only chrysanthemums to assign.

Are there similarities between asters and chrysanthemums?

Both asters and chrysanthemums belong to the daisy family, also called Asteraceae. The flowers of some aster varieties look very similar to those of chrysanthemums.

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Where do asters and chrysanthemums come from?

The two genera of plants have one different geographic origins. While chrysanthemums mainly come from East Asia, asters are native to America, Africa and the Eurasian region. Chrysanthemums are often offered as annual plants for balconies and terraces. The so-called winter asters are like that Asters hardy.

How can I distinguish asters and chrysanthemums in the garden?

Asters and chrysanthemums can clearly distinguished by the leaves

become. The leaves of the asters are smooth. Chrysanthemums, on the other hand, develop slightly felty, indented leaves. Another difference is the smell of the plants. Asters are mostly odorless, while chrysanthemums exude an intense, tart odor. The chrysanthemums do not provide food for insects because the flowers do not contain nectar. Asters, on the other hand, are ideal for an insect-friendly garden. Late varieties also offer plenty of food in autumn.


You should pay attention to this when buying chrysanthemums

Unlike asters, most chrysanthemums are not hardy. If you want to be able to enjoy your chrysanthemums for a long time, pay attention to the designation winter asters when buying them. These are also sometimes sold as garden chrysanthemums. They are the only chrysanthemums that grow perennial in your garden.

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