Combining petunias: color harmonies and plant partners

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What are the factors to consider when combining petunias?

Around petunias attractive, it is advisable to consider the following factors:

  • flower color: pink, pink, red, white, violet or blue
  • heyday: May until October
  • Location Requirements: sunny, permeable and nutrient-rich soil
  • growth height: 30 to 50 cm

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The often intensely bright flower colors of petunias can quickly appear kitschy if the plants interact with the wrong partners. For this reason, you should take the respective flower color into account when making combinations.

Petunias bloom most profusely in a sunny spot. You should therefore choose plant neighbors who feel just as comfortable in the sun.

Their low stature makes petunias predestined for the foreground. Your companion plants should match this size, but can also tower over it if placed behind.

Combine petunias in the bed or in the window box

Bright colors make us happy. But too much color in balcony boxes can seem tasteless. It is best to combine petunias in balcony boxes or in hanging baskets with plants that also like to bloom happily, but with their flower color in harmony with the petunia you have chosen. Ornamental leaf plants such as stinging nettles also go well with petunias. Hanging petunias should ideally be planted at the edge, where they can overhang fantastically.

You can get wonderful combinations with these companion plants, among others:

  • geraniums
  • coleus
  • cape basket
  • magic bell
  • elf spur
  • loyal to men
  • astilbes
  • snowflake flowers

Combine petunias with geraniums

geraniums and petunias are not only similar in appearance, but also in terms of their location requirements. This combination works wonderfully if you put the petunias in the foreground or in the foreground. put on the edge of the balcony box and the rather emerging geraniums behind it. Stick to one color of petunias and one color of geraniums so as not to overload the overall picture with colour.

[picture: balcony box|petunia, geranium]

Combine petunias with snowflake flowers

The snowflake flower reminiscent of a miniature version of a petunia. With its snow-white colour, it goes perfectly with all kinds of petunias. Here you can let your imagination run wild and combine several snowflake flowers with various petunias.

[image: balcony box|petunia, snowflake]

Combine petunias with astilbes

While the astilbes are allowed to find themselves behind the petunias, the petunias do not feel pressured, but rather supported in their visual effect. Astilbes and petunias like bright locations on nutrient-rich substrate and impress in duo with their depth effect. Pink astilbes look absolutely unique in combination with pink or pink petunias.

[image: beet|petunia, columbine]

Combine petunias as a bouquet in the vase

The plentiful blossoms produce numerous cut flowers. In a vase, petunias look decorative with numerous other summer flowers that nestle in color or create contrasts. Red or pink petunias make a great arrangement with daisies. Purple to blue petunias can go with you gypsophila play around Also a colorful mix with columbine and phlox loves that Eye.

  • columbine
  • daisies
  • tagetes
  • phlox
  • gypsophila
[image: vase|petunias, columbines, phlox]