When are wild boar dangerous?

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When are wild boar dangerous?

There is no question: wild boars are not to be trifled with in the great outdoors. This is especially true if they see themselves or their offspring threatened. Find out here when wild boars are particularly dangerous.

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In a nutshell

  • from February Bachen with piglets on the way
  • in autumn during the mating season, v. a. boar
  • in winter when there is a lack of food (v. a. when animals migrate into towns)
  • during dusk or early morning
  • in dense undergrowth, in maize, rape and grain fields

Table of contents

  • Wild boar are dangerous
  • time
  • seasons
  • Prevent an encounter
  • react correctly
  • frequently asked Questions

Wild boar are dangerous

In fact, you shouldn't underestimate wild boars - which, fenced off in an enclosure, are so cute to watch in the wildlife park. If the animals feel threatened or cornered, they can become very dangerous: the male specimens, Called boars, they can weigh up to 200 kilograms and have razor-sharp tusks that they use for defence insert. And the adult wild boars weigh around 150 kilograms and can also run at up to 50 km/h much faster than any human.

Running boar
Despite their weight, wild boars are very quick on their feet.

Therefore, in the event of an encounter, you should not risk a confrontation, but rather retreat slowly - the animals are clearly superior to you physically.

A notice: However, wild boar attacks are very rare and even more rarely fatal for humans. In Europe, an estimated one to two people die every ten years from a wild boar attack.


Wild boars usually travel in groups of several animals and above all

  • in the early morning hours
  • in the evening twilight
  • as well as at night


Wild boar herd with piglets

A notice: A group of wild boar is known as a "gang" and includes several female animals with their piglets and one-year-old young of both sexes. The adult male animals, on the other hand, are mostly on the move as loners.


The animals are out and about all year round. H. they do not hibernate, but look for food in summer and winter. As a walker, you should be careful when strolling through nature, especially in autumn and spring, because

  • During the autumn mating season, boars are particularly aggressive
  • Sows defend their young born in the spring

Dog owners should keep their animals on a leash during this time. This is especially true if the four-legged friend has a strong hunting instinct! When in doubt, yours Dog in such a dispute, the loser is seriously injured or even killed after an attack. In addition, a hunting dog puts the wild boar under even more stress, so that they eventually attack you too.

Tip: If you are attacked with your dog despite all precautionary measures, let your darling off the leash: Then the animal has the chance to escape.

Prevent an encounter

First of all, an encounter with wild boar in nature is very rare: most walkers and hikers are so loud that the sensitive animals have heard them from afar and hide hold. Also, avoid encounters by following these rules:

Wild boar in the undergrowth
Don't lose your way in the forest!
  • only walk on official forest and hiking trails
  • avoid dense undergrowth
  • do not move through fields of corn, grain or rapeseed
  • do not walk through high reed beds

If you are looking for newbies, i. H. on young animals: Keep your distance and move away quickly! The mother is nearby and will take it as an attack if you approach the little ones!

A notice: Caution should also be exercised with animals roaming openly through towns and villages. These specimens are often used to humans and do not see them as a danger to themselves. The same applies here: don't approach and move away as quickly as possible!

react correctly

Should you come across wild boar, it is best to behave as follows:

  • Stay calm!
  • Don't make hectic movements!
  • Make yourself big!
  • Speak in a loud but calm and strong voice!
  • Slowly move backwards!

Usually the animal or forgive the animals as quickly as possible. On the other hand, if the wild boar are about to attack you, should you climb a tree or a perch.

frequently asked Questions

What to do if you hit a wild boar?

Never approach the animal: even badly injured wild boars will defend themselves and stay dangerous, especially since they consider such behavior to be an attack and still seriously injure you if you defend yourself can. So stay in the car and call the police and, if known, the police officer.

Where do wild boar stay during the day?

During the day the animals hide in dense undergrowth, in embankments densely overgrown with reeds or in tall corn or grain fields. Here they dig deep hollows, called "cauldrons", in which they rest or sleep.

Can a wild boar jump?

It is hard to believe, but wild boars can actually live up to approx. Jumping 90 centimeters high and even climbing over low fences: Fence heights of up to 180 centimeters are no problem for some animals. Therefore, wild boar fences should always be at least 120 centimeters high.

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