Fig tree: the ideal location

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Fig tree the ideal location title

Mild winters and hot summers make the fig tree a climate winner. Since it also brings Mediterranean flair to the home garden, it can be found more and more often in German gardens. Below are some tips on location and care for the fig tree.

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In a nutshell

  • full sun and sheltered from the wind as an ideal location
  • Winter protection recommended
  • prefer tub culture in harsh areas

Table of contents

  • Location
  • planting distance
  • Plant
  • frequently asked Questions


The fig tree, also called fig for short, actually bears the name "real fig" (bot. Ficus carica). Its origin has not yet been clearly clarified. However, it is considered native to the entire Mediterranean region and is therefore a heat-loving plant. The ideal location for the tree, which also grows as a large shrub, has the following properties:

  • full sun
  • warm
  • sheltered from the wind
Fig tree (Ficus carica)

In this country he feels most comfortable in front of stone walls or a house wall. Because these radiate additional heat and protect him from draughts. The location should be south or southwest, as these locations promise the most sun.

Notice: There too hardy varieties sensitive to frost up to the age of ten years, you should only plant it out in mild regions. In addition, it should definitely be placed on the wall of the house to protect it from the winter cold.

planting distance

fig trees, except dwarf varieties, quickly become two to three meters wide and high. So that the fig gets a lot of sunlight, the position as a solitaire is ideal. In addition, it must not be squeezed into a corner. If only one planting in the group is possible for you, the planting distance is three meters. This ensures that all plants get enough light. If the trees are too close together, they take away the sunlight from each other and develop poorly.

Notice: In the container culture, put only one fig tree in each pot. If you want to group the potted plants, make sure there is enough space between the plants, just like when planting outdoors.


In addition to location and the correct planting distance outdoors, give the fig tree a good start by paying attention to the following:

  • planting hole: Two to three times the root ball
  • bucket: at least 20 liters capacity
  • planting depth: do not place lower or higher than in the pot
  • Let the root ball close with the soil/substrate surface
Fig tree (Ficus carica)

Notice: To increase the permeability of the soil, mix the excavated material with gravel or sand, except for sandy soils. For pot culture, use high-quality potting soil and create a drainage layer of gravel and/or potsherds at the bottom of the pot.

frequently asked Questions

When is the best time to plant the fig tree?

In mild regions, it is best to plant Ficus carica in the first half of May. If you are threatened with late frosts, you should wait for the ice saints and only plant the fig tree from mid-May.

How much frost can the fig tree tolerate?

How sensitive a fig tree is to frost depends on the variety. One of the particularly frost-hardy figs is “Violetta”. It can withstand temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius for a few days. Nevertheless, you should protect Ficus carica from the cold in winter. Potted plants ideally overwinter indoors.

When does my Fig tree in a pot on the balcony?

A fig tree in tub culture comes outside when there is no longer any threat of late frost. However, do not expose the plant to full sun immediately, but give it a few days to get used to the direct UV light.