Care of Plants Archives

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Many of our garden and indoor plants require our care in four ways. Measured against the life of a plant, this often begins with sowing and raising the young plants. In addition to regular watering, it is important that the plants in the substrate are supplied with important nutrients, which can also be added via fertilizer. Later, many plants, including indoor plants, but also palm trees, potted plants and cacti, are repotted, have to be trimmed, grafted or overwintered in a cool, bright room. Plant care is always individual, which is why we will provide practical instructions for plant care for numerous plants and plants in the house and garden. You don't necessarily have to have a green thumb, but you should already be familiar with your plants. Most plants perish due to our care mistakes. It doesn't have to be. Many plant lovers simply do not know their way around. Most mistakes are made when casting. Few plants die when they don't get enough water, most drown instead. Hardly any plant tolerates too much water, especially standing water in the saucer or planter (of course there are also plants that like it). Mistakes can also be made when fertilizing. Over-fertilizing is worse than not fertilizing at all. If you're lucky, the plants just shoot up and die. If you're unlucky, they can also die.

If you forgot to ask for the care instructions when you bought a plant, you will find a lot of instructions on plant care here. In this way, mistakes can be avoided and you can enjoy your plants for a long time, regardless of whether they are indoor, potted or garden plants.

Orchid yellow leaf


6 minutes

Plant hangs leaves despite water

If plants let their leaves hang despite water, this can have various causes. To prevent a die-off from a z...

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Ornamental pineapple (Ananas comosus)


6 minutes

Plants hang their heads: what to do?

If the ornamental plants are cultivated in the garden or in a pot and suddenly droop their heads, then...

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garden editorial

6 minutes

Repot orchids: how & when to replant

Thanks to more uncomplicated and easy-care new breeds, orchids are now at home on many windowsills. Especially those in countless varieties...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

pull tree out of core | 7 tips for growing a tree yourself

Trees can be grown from cores without much effort. There are a variety of plants that have seeds...

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garden editorial

4 minutes

How do hydrangeas stay white? | That way it won't turn pink

How do hydrangeas stay white - this is the question many hobby gardeners ask themselves when the hydrangea changes color. Often will...

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garden editorial

7 minutes

Cutting privet: when is the best time?

Privet is becoming increasingly popular and is often used as a privacy screen in the form of a privet hedge. It's amazing...

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garden editorial

6 minutes

planting ivy | 13 tips on soil, setting & planting

Whether as a privacy screen, climbing wall or terrain greening or ground cover - ivy always works. The evergreen classic pleases...

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garden editorial

5 minutes

Cutting trees in autumn, spring or summer?

The trees in the garden have to be cut - regularly at least once a year. Just stupid...

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garden editorial

5 minutes

Pruning hydrangeas | When should you prune the hydrangea?

Hydrangeas are among the most popular garden flowers. They should not be missing in any cottage or hobby garden. The blooming plant...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Hardy Flowers for Outside: 10 Hardy Garden & Balcony Flowers

Most ornamental plants do not survive the winter or are damaged. Even hardy plants can be affected by severe winter months and...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Vine growing in the garden | Basic Guide

Grapevines are on the rise in home gardens, even outside of classic wine-growing regions. Do you feel called to be a winemaker or...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Lucky clover plant, Oxalis tetraphylla - sowing, care and wintering

Almost everyone knows the lucky clover plant because it is a popular gift for New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, it often survives as a souvenir...

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Ficus ginseng as bonsai

garden editorial

12 minutes

Repot bonsai - Instructions in 7 steps

A great deal of work goes into a bonsai and most attention is usually paid to the pruning measures in the upper...

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Orchidaceae - Dendrobium

garden editorial

10 mins

Green plants for bedrooms and other dark rooms

There are many green plants for bedrooms and other dark rooms, for different room temperatures. And it...

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Kentia Palm - Howea forsteriana

garden editorial

12 minutes

Green plants for indoors - the most popular indoor plants

Houseplants play a major role when it comes to a homely atmosphere or a good indoor climate...

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Houseplant - Calla zantedeschia

garden editorial

12 minutes

How often should you water plants and flowers in the room?

This question, which is supposedly easy to answer, harbors a whole series of pitfalls, which are dealt with in the article...

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Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa

garden editorial

9 minutes

Instructions: Planting plan for a flowering perennial bed

The flowering perennial bed is one of the easiest flower beds to care for - once it has been created, and that...

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Boxwood in shape - Buxus

garden editorial

11 minutes

Cut box trees correctly in autumn - step by step

The boxwood looks most beautiful when it has a dense and compact shape. So that he doesn't spread like...

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Olive tree - Olea europaea

garden editorial

13 minutes

Olive trees in a pot - this is how you take care of them properly

While olive trees in the Mediterranean region are mainly cultivated for their rich fruit, in this country the ornamental value is...

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Boxwood - Buxus

garden editorial

8 minutes

When should you cut the boxwood - the best time

A boxwood is a real all-rounder in the garden. Because box trees can be used as a hedge and as a privacy screen...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Oleander has yellow leaves and they are falling off - what to do?

When the leaves on the oleander turn yellow, there is initially helplessness. Since this damage is one of the most common problems with rose laurel...

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garden editorial

11 minutes

Bamboo has yellow leaves and brown tips - what to do?

Yellow leaves and brown tips on a bamboo are more often "just part of it" than most people realize...

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loose tree

garden editorial

12 minutes

Cutting trees - when is it allowed?

Cutting trees (a few disturbing branches, a little shaping of the growth) in the private home garden is always...

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garden editorial

7 minutes

When should which plants be cut? Plant Pruning Tips

When pruning the plants, the right time plays an important role, if the plant is pruned at the wrong time, this can...

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