Basil has black dots: what to do?

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Basil has black dots

Table of contents

  • Look out for healthy basil
  • Choose the right location
  • optimize care
  • Identify and treat diseases and pests
  • frequently asked Questions

Especially basil bought in a pot from the supermarket tends to quickly develop black dots or spots on the leaves. This article explains why this is and what helps against it.

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Look out for healthy basil

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is available as a pot plant not only to buy in nurseries, but now even in almost every supermarket. Unfortunately, most of the plants bought there die at home within a very short time. There are many reasons for this and signs such as black dots or spots on the leaves usually appear before the entire basil weakens. It is therefore important to choose only healthy plants when buying:

  • strong green foliage
  • firm, straight stems
  • no spots on the leaves (regardless of whether they are black or of any other colour)
  • no insect infestation
  • no webs between the leaves
  • well grown root ball
Repot basil


If it turns out that the root ball is completely rooted, it makes sense to repot the plant at home, preferably immediately after purchase.

Choose the right location

Once the basil is at home, it should be given a suitable location. This includes both a lot of sun and heat. In winter it has to stay indoors, in summer it is also in good hands outside, as long as it can stand protected from the rain. A place in one Glasshouse or cold frame is even better as long as there is good ventilation. If basil is too cold, black dots or spots may appear on the leaves. This is an indication that the leaves have frozen.

Basil in the garden in the sun

However, too much sunlight can also lead to leaf discoloration in summer. Therefore, the herb should never stand directly in the midday sun, or at least get used to it slowly.

optimize care

Caring for basil is not that easy. When caring for basil, keep the following points in mind:

  • be careful when watering
  • It is best to only water from below
  • don't let it dry out
  • preferably rainwater to use
  • fertilize weekly during the growth phase
  • don't use too much fertilizer
  • makes the herb more susceptible
  • harvest and prune regularly
harvest basil

Identify and treat diseases and pests

Especially on sensitive plants or those that are poorly cared for, the black spots can also indicate a fungal disease. It is next to impossible to find out exactly which fungus it is. Fighting it is just as difficult. As a first-aid measure, only pruning the plant makes sense. This removes any leaves that have stains. After that, the plant must be well cared for, only then does it have the chance to successfully defend itself against the fungus.

A notice:

A treatment of the fungus with appropriate means from the garden store should be avoided.

pests Rarely cause black spots, but can weaken the plant enough to make it sensitive to other things. It is therefore important to regularly check for pest infestation.

frequently asked Questions

Can you still eat basil with black spots?

If it is not a fungal disease, the leaves can still be eaten. However, it can be assumed that their seasoning power is no longer very great. Especially when the black dots are from too much cold. Basil then quickly loses its aroma.

Do other potted herbs also get black dots?

There are other potted herbs that are sensitive to the cold and these can actually develop black spots. In addition, fungal diseases are sometimes contagious, so diseased plants should be placed separately.

Is Homegrown Basil More Resistant to Black Spots on the Leaves?

Usually, home-grown basil is not as delicate as store-bought. This is due to the different growing conditions and the fact that purchased basil has been transported for a long time, during which nobody pays attention to the constant environmental conditions. Even if the potted herb has been in the store for a long time, it often does not have the best location conditions there. In addition, it is easier to grow a strain resistant to fungal diseases at home.

author Mirko

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