Cleaning paving stones and concrete slabs: Vinegar, chlorine & Co

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Table of contents

  • high pressure cleaner
  • joint scraper
  • Vinegar
  • chlorine
  • soda
  • Remove oil from the plates

Over time, moss and weeds make concrete slabs and paving stones unsightly. Therefore, they should be cleaned regularly. But the longer a path and the larger a terrace, the more work is behind it. But with a few tools such as vinegar, chlorine or soda, the plates are quickly clean again. To prevent heavy soiling from occurring in the first place, it makes sense to carry out the procedure annually.

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high pressure cleaner

Even if it is quick, the high-pressure cleaner is not suitable for concrete slabs and paving stones. Because the concrete blocks have a surface texture that consists of many pores. These are receptive and can go deep below the surface. This is an advantage in rain and wet conditions, because no film of water forms on the surface. But when it comes to cleaning, this large-pored surface is also crucial. There are the following reasons that speak against a high-pressure cleaner for concrete slabs and paving:

  • the high pressure can destroy the structure
  • the water hits punctually
  • as a result, water can no longer be absorbed
  • long-term risk of slipping


The joints are often filled with sand or special mortar. These could also be flushed out by the high pressure of the high-pressure cleaner.

joint scraper

Between the concrete slabs and paving stones there are gaps in which weeds like to spread because they have good growing conditions here. Therefore, the joints must be scraped out in the first step. This is done as follows:

  • drive the scratch between the joints
  • Remove grass, weeds and moss in this way
  • sweep the surface well after scraping


The work can be very difficult, especially when the area is large and many joints are infested with weeds. Then a commercially available weed killer that is put into the joints can also help. But this chemical club should remain the exception, as it can also have a negative impact on the rest of the garden.


vinegar essence

A mixture of vinegar and water is a good way to combat the green film on terraces and paths. Since vinegar is a very effective solution against weeds and moss, the joints do not have to be treated beforehand. Because if the mixture is applied to the surface and between the joints, it affects the roots of the weeds and they die all by themselves. When cleaning with vinegar, proceed as follows:

  • Mix vinegar and water 1:1
  • spread over the entire surface
  • also put in the feet
  • scrub well with a hard scrubbing brush
  • let it work well
  • choose a dry day for work
  • when it rains, the mixture is washed away
  • rinse with hose after two days
  • the joints can also be rinsed out
  • alternatively sweep loosened weeds and moss with a broom

It is important that you only work on the stones to be cleaned and that the vinegar mixture is not distributed into the adjacent garden. This can easily happen with vigorous scrubbing or later when rinsing off with the hose. Meticulous and careful work is therefore required here.


If you work with vinegar, there should be no lawn or garden bed next to the terrace or the path. Because then the vinegar mixture could damage the flowers, vegetables, shrubs or trees planted here as well as the adjacent lawn.


Chlorine can also help against moss and weeds. A commercially available chlorine cleaner is used for this, but it is not very environmentally friendly. It is important that the cleaner is diluted well with water and spread over the entire surface to be cleaned. A broom or a squeegee can be used for this. The mixture must now act for some time. Heavy stains can also be treated with a broom or brush. However, the following should be observed when cleaning:

  • Chlorine is very aggressive
  • Do not allow mixture to get onto skin
  • therefore wear sturdy shoes and gloves
  • as well as long-sleeved, old clothes
  • stains may appear
  • carry out even cleaning
  • otherwise light spots appear
  • Apply mixture only to the stones
  • do not let them get into the adjacent garden


Chlorine should only be used in extreme emergencies, for example if a path or a path is very heavily infested with moss a patio as it is very aggressive and will also damage the surrounding garden could.


Soda is one of the most effective cleaners when it comes to moss and weeds on the pavers and concrete slabs. Soda powder is available in supermarkets and drugstores. From this, a lye of water and soda is mixed by stirring 100 grams of soda into ten liters of boiling water. Depending on the area, more liquid is required. After the joints have been freed from weeds with a scraper, the cleaning procedure is continued as follows:

  • Protect eyes and skin
  • Soda isn't entirely safe
  • Therefore avoid splashes
  • Spread the soda water over the entire surface
  • work with a squeegee or broom
  • every spot should be covered
  • leave on for at least five hours
  • Mixture does not need to be removed


When working with the soda mixture, it should not rain, otherwise the mixture cannot take effect for five hours and may be washed away beforehand. An overcast day is ideal so that it doesn't dry out so quickly, because the mixture can evaporate if there is too much sun.

Remove oil from the plates

clean flagstones

A garden path or a terrace that is only covered in moss should not always be cleaned. In garage driveways or on paving stones in parking spaces for the car, it is also possible for there to be worse stains, such as oil. These are usually stubborn and settle under the surface of the concrete slabs through the pores. But here too there are effective cleaning measures to get the stains out of the slabs and paving stones:

  • Bind fresh oil stain immediately
  • Cat litter can help with this
  • salt also binds the oil
  • let it take effect and pick it up carefully
  • continue cleaning after removal
  • Apply suds from detergent
  • scrub lightly with a brush
  • Use dissolved tab for dishwasher
  • also fat-dissolving

In the case of an older stain, it must first be made liquid again and then vacuumed up. This can also be done with washing-up liquid and cat litter. Then proceed as described above.


Acetone should also help to remove an oil stain without leaving any residue.

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