These 20 trees fertilize themselves

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  • Pome fruit: 6 self-pollinators
  • 7 self-fertile stone fruit trees
  • 2 types of berries
  • 5 exotics presented

There are numerous fruit trees that can easily pollinate themselves and thus save a lot of space in the garden, on the terrace or in the greenhouse. We present 20 species in detail.

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Pome fruit: 6 self-pollinators


Chokeberry - Aronia
  • all 3 species form edible fruits
  • Growth height: up to 250 cm
  • shrubby growth, upright, deciduous, dark green foliage
  • educable as a standard to a fruit tree
  • Flowering period: May to early June
  • single double panicle flowers, white
  • Harvest time: late August to mid-October
  • Fruits black, round, extremely rich in vitamins, birds like to eat them
  • sour aroma
  • Self-pollinating attracts numerous pollinating insects
  • sunny to half-shady, sandy, dry, fresh, well-drained
  • hardy

Edible mountain ash 'Edulis'(Sorbus aucuparia 'Edulis')

Rowan - Rowan - Sorbus aucuparia
  • Growth height: 600 to 1,500 cm
  • fast growth, slender, multi-stemmed, pyramidal crown, deciduous, dark green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to mid-June
  • single double umbels, white, many flowers
  • Harvest time: end of August to beginning of November, first frost intensifies the taste
  • Fruits are edible, pleasantly sour taste, orange or red, extremely rich in vitamins, birds like to eat them
  • sunny to semi-shady, solitary position, not demanding on soil
  • hardy

serviceberry(Sorbus torminalis)

  • Growth height: 700 to 2,500 cm
  • upright growth, dense, round crown, attractive autumn colors, deciduous, intense green foliage with bluish underside
  • Flowering period: May to mid-July
  • single double panicle flowers, white, small
  • Harvest time: from October
  • Fruits reddish to brown with white spots, apple-shaped, quite small, overripe fruits popular with birds
  • Boil fruit before eating
  • Taste reminiscent of marzipan or almonds
  • Sunny to semi-shady, avoid salty soil, dry, fresh, nutritious, prefers lime, well-drained
  • needs winter protection

medlar(Mespilus germanica)

Medlar - Mespilus permanica
  • Growth height: 500 to 600 cm
  • crooked growth, broad crown, deciduous, intense green foliage
  • Flowering period: late April to mid-June
  • single double flowers, on short shoots, white, large
  • Harvest time: late October to late November
  • Fruits orange-brown, spherical, hairy, covered with small warts
  • sweet aroma, fine acidity
  • sunny to semi-shady, nutritious, calcareous
  • hardy

quince(Cydonia oblonga)

Quince - Cydonia oblonga
  • Growth height: 400 to 800 cm
  • Shrubby small tree, upright, spreading crown, deciduous, dull green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to mid-June
  • single double flowers, white, pink, large
  • Harvest time: October, check ripeness
  • Fruits yellow, large (up to 500 g), pear-shaped, extremely rich in vitamins, covered with tannic fluff
  • acidic sweet taste, skin intensely bitter
  • wash and heat before consumption (eliminates bitter taste of peel)
  • sunny to semi-shady, moist, fresh, deep, nutritious
  • hardy

service tree(Sorbus domestica)

  • Growth height: 400 to 3,000 cm
  • short stem, broad, round crown, deciduous, glossy green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • single double umbels, white, many flowers
  • Harvest time: September to the end of October
  • Fruits are reddish-yellow to olive-brown, shaped like small apples or pears, quite large
  • attracts pollinating insects and birds
  • bitter taste, much tastier due to processing
  • Sunny to semi-shady, fresh, nutritious, well-drained, does not tolerate salt
  • hardy
  • tolerates heat very well

7 self-fertile stone fruit trees

apricot(Prunus armeniaca)

Apricot - Prunus armeniaca
  • also known as apricot
  • Growth height: 500 to 1,000 cm
  • Vigorous growth, broad crown, deciduous, green foliage
  • Flowering time: March to April
  • single double flowers, solitary or in pairs, white, pale pink
  • Harvest time: mid-July to early September (at the latest)
  • Fruits light yellow, orange, reddish, round, smooth, juicy, size depends on variety
  • aromatic taste, sweet
  • attracts pollinating insects
  • sunny, humic, normal, permeable
  • hardy, late frosts sometimes problematic

A notice:

If you want to cultivate the Cherrykose (apricot and cherry hybrid), you don't need pollinators either. They fertilize themselves easily.

Cowardly(Ficus carica)

Fig - Ficus carica
  • Growth height: 250 to 500 cm
  • Growth habit depends heavily on the variety, mostly broad crown, twisted or bent trunk, deciduous
  • forms irritating milky sap in all parts of the plant except the fruits
  • Flowering time: March to mid-August (strongly dependent on climate)
  • inconspicuous flowers
  • Harvest time: mid-August to late December
  • Fruits are green to violet in colour, soft flesh, characteristic shape
  • sweet aroma
  • sunny, loamy, loose, nutritious, acidic
  • hardy, winter protection recommended


  • Growth height: 100 to 1,500 cm
  • loose growth, upright, deciduous, dark green foliage
  • Flowering period: June to mid-July
  • single double racemes, umbrella racemes or terminal flowers, white
  • Harvest time: late September to mid-October
  • Fruits red, blue or black, round, small
  • tart aroma, sometimes bitter, sweet aftertaste
  • Flowers also edible
  • attracts pollinating insects and birds
  • sunny to semi-shady, nutritious, moist, normal, well-drained
  • hardy

peach(Prunus persica)

Prunus persica—Peach
  • Growth height: 100 to 800 cm
  • well-branched growth, upright, crown mostly close to the ground, deciduous, mid-green foliage
  • Flowering time: April to mid-May
  • single double flowers, fivefold, yellow, pale pink, red
  • Harvest time: late July to early September
  • Fruits hairy, round or flat, juicy, greenish or yellow, usually red on the sunny side
  • sour-sweet taste
  • sunny to half-shady, humic, fresh and moist, well-drained
  • hardy
  • apricots (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) can also fertilize themselves

plum(Prunus domestica)

Prunus domestica—Plum
  • Growth height: 600 to 1,000 cm
  • medium growth, sparse, deciduous, intense green foliage
  • Flowering time: April to mid-May
  • Umbellate inflorescences, 2 to 3 flowers per inflorescence, white, white-green, yellow-green
  • Harvest time: July to mid-October (depends heavily on the variety)
  • Fruits yellow-greenish, yellow, reddish, purple, blue, blue-black, lilac, black, round or ovoid, smooth skin
  • sweet to sour aroma (depending on variety and duration of ripening)
  • sunny to half-shady, humic, fresh and moist, well-drained
  • pollen donor
  • hardy

A notice:

All plum subspecies such as damsons and mirabelle plums also belong to the self-pollinators. These can be recognized by the botanical name Prunus domestica subspecies.

sour cherries(Prunus cerasus)

Sour Cherry - Prunus cerasus
  • Growth height: 100 to 1,000 cm
  • well-branched growth, upright, slightly hanging, deciduous, medium-green foliage
  • Flowering time: April to May
  • single double umbel flowers, white
  • Harvest time: 4. and 5. Cherry week (2. July to 24. July)
  • Fruits red or dark red, roundish, juicy
  • Mild acidity in taste, tart to spicy
  • sunny to half-shady, humic, fresh and moist, well-drained, nutritious
  • hardy

Sweet Cherry 'Lapins'(Prunus avium 'Lapins')

Sweet Cherry - Wild Cherry - Prunus avium
  • one of the few self-pollinating varieties of the species
  • Growth height: 300 to 600 cm
  • compact growth, steep, sparsely branched, deciduous, soft green foliage
  • Flowering time: April to May
  • single filled, radial symmetric, white
  • Harvest time: 6. and 7. Cherry week (26. July to 20 August)
  • Fruits dark red, large, juicy
  • sweet in taste
  • sunny, normal, permeable
  • hardy

2 types of berries

currants(Ribes species)

Currants - Ribes
  • Growth height: up to 150 cm
  • upright habit, small tree, some species develop thorns, deciduous, intense green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to early June
  • single double, in umbellate, racemose or umbrella racemes inflorescences, white, greenish, yellowish, red, purple
  • Harvest time: from St. John's Day (24. June) to the end of August (strongly dependent on species and variety)
  • Fruits red or black, round, small
  • Taste depends on the type and variety
  • sunny to semi-shady, nutritious, humic
  • hardy

Black mulberry(Morus nigra)

  • Growth height: up to 1,200 cm
  • upright habit, densely branched, decorative, rounded crown, deciduous, dark green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to mid-June
  • inconspicuous flowers, yellowish color
  • Harvest time: July to mid-August
  • Dark purple or black fruits, shape reminiscent of blackberries
  • sweet and sour aroma, spicy character, intense
  • sunny to half-shady, normal, prefers chalky soil, well-drained
  • hardy, winter protection or winter quarters required in particularly cold areas

5 exotics presented

pomegranate(Punica granatum)

Pomegranate - Punica granatum
  • Growth height: 250 to 500 cm
  • bushy growth, upright, with thorns, deciduous, green foliage
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • single bell-shaped flowers, white, yellow, red
  • Harvest time: September to mid-October (only from the 2nd standing year)
  • large, red pods, filled with numerous seeds, juicy, round, juice stains
  • sunny, sandy, loamy, fresh, well-drained, loose, requires a high proportion of minerals
  • hardy to -5°C, hibernate in the winter quarters

persimmon(Diospyros persimmon)

  • Growth height: 1,000 to 2,000 cm
  • Growth reminiscent of apple trees, scaly bark, upright, deciduous, dark green foliage with light green underside
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • radially symmetrical flowers, yellowish, greenish, inconspicuous
  • Harvest time: late September to late October
  • large fruits, shape and color depending on the variety or subspecies, mostly yellow, orange, red, very rich in vitamins
  • furry, needs to mature, then tart to sweet (depending on maturity)
  • Sunny to semi-shady, sheltered, loamy, humic, deep, does not tolerate lime, rich in nutrients
  • hardy to -15°C, winter protection may be necessary in cold regions

grapefruit(Citrus maxima)

  • Growth height: up to 300 cm
  • bushy habit, upright, sprawling, evergreen, with thorns in the leaf axils, light green foliage
  • strongly varying flowering time
  • solitary or in spikes, white
  • Harvest time strongly dependent on flowering time (depending on the temperature, it sometimes fails)
  • Fruits are green to yellow in color, round, very large (up to 20 cm in diameter), extremely rich in vitamins
  • Taste fundamentally bitter with subtle sweetness or acidity
  • sunny, well structured, permeable, with drainage
  • not hardy, does not survive even the slightest frost
  • exclusively bucket maintenance

Yuzu(Citrus junos)

  • Growth height: 150 to 300 cm
  • bushy habit, upright, with thorns, evergreen, intense green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to early June
  • simple, white
  • Harvest time: October to December
  • Fruits intensely yellow, rounded, extremely rich in vitamins
  • sunny, semi-shade tolerable, protected, well structured, well-drained, with drainage, rich in nutrients
  • hardy to -12°C, can be planted out in suitable locations, otherwise only keep in tubs

Lemons(citrus lime)

Lemon - Citrus limon
  • Growth height: 400 to 500 cm
  • bushy habit, upright, fast-growing compared to other citrus species, evergreen, green foliage
  • Flowering period: May to mid-August
  • single flowers, white, intense scent, sometimes even rotten
  • Harvest time: September to the end of November (ripeness depends on size)
  • high yields possible
  • Fruits sunny yellow, fist-sized, oval, oblong
  • intense sour taste
  • sunny, ideally facing south, sheltered, high-quality citrus soil recommended for fruit trees, humic, well-drained
  • not hardy, winter protection or winter quarters necessary
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