Domestic waterworks: set the pressure correctly

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Table of contents

  • minimal pressure
  • maximum pressure
  • height of the water column
  • diameter of the line
  • efficiency of the pump
  • Set pressure - instructions

The correct setting of the pressure in a domestic waterworks is crucial for the delivery capacity and the safety of the device. We show you how to do it here.

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minimal pressure

The minimum pressure or minimum pressure is the so-called switch-on pressure. This determines when the system turns on. It should be between 1 and 2 bar. 1.5 bar is often ideal. However, this is an estimated value that must be varied depending on the system and the water column.

However, it should not be less than 1 bar. Because the system consists of two chambers and an air-filled membrane, which can be damaged by overpressure or underpressure.

maximum pressure

The maximum pressure is also referred to as the differential pressure. When this point is reached, the system shuts down. The difference between the minimum pressure and the maximum pressure is decisive for the flow rate.

The greater the difference, the greater the delivery rate. With a very high water column, the performance must also be correspondingly high. In general, the pressure should be between 3 and 4 bar. With some domestic waterworks, the maximum pressure can also be increased to up to 5 bar.

height of the water column

In order to build up a corresponding pressure, the height of the water column must be taken into account. It is important to take this into account when making the purchase decision. Pumps for water columns up to a height of eight meters can be purchased at hardware stores or other specialist retailers.

Domestic waterworks: regulate the pressure

However, even particularly powerful domestic waterworks are not designed for a pumping depth of more than ten meters. Even the highest setting of the pressure cannot solve this problem. In these cases there are other solutions.

The general rule:

Select the domestic waterworks to match the height of the water column.

diameter of the line

The diameter of the line also plays a crucial role. The larger the diameter or the circumference of the line, the higher the pressure must be set.
Again, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The minimum pressure should never be undershot. Because this can cause various problems. These are:

  • permanent running of the pump
  • increased running costs
  • lack of suction
  • insufficient amount of water
  • waste of energy

efficiency of the pump

The efficiency of the domestic waterworks should be as high as possible. Because this results in various advantages. Below:

  • the pump runs shorter
  • Energy can be saved
  • Noises from running waterworks are shorter and often quieter
  • larger delivery depths are possible
  • price differences are often small

Set pressure - instructions

Adjusting the pressure in a domestic waterworks is comparatively easy and can be done in just a few steps. The following step-by-step instructions will help:

  1. The cover on the pressure switch must be removed.
  2. There are at least two and at most three adjusting screws behind the cover. The largest screw is normally used to regulate the minimum pressure. The maximum pressure can be set with the small screw.
  3. The pressure can be decreased or increased by turning left or right. The display of the pressure gauge must be observed in each case.


The manufacturer's information must be observed in any case, because the different types and models of domestic waterworks can differ significantly from each other. In order to avoid mistakes and damage, it is therefore necessary to go into the details.

author Home editorial office

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