What are sheep not allowed to eat?

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Sheep eating in the pasture

Table of contents

  • poisonous plants
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • leftovers
  • frequently asked Questions

On a natural pasture, sheep rarely only find their favorite food. Very poisonous or indigestible plants can grow there. Different feed that accumulates at home is only suitable for sheep to a limited extent. We list what sheep are not allowed to eat.

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poisonous plants

From highly poisonous plants Even the smallest consumption amounts are sufficient to cause severe to life-threatening symptoms in sheep. Sheep farmers should therefore check their pastures regularly. If you discover these species on the sheep pasture, quick action is required:

Yew (Taxus baccata) needles
The needles of the yew (Taxus baccata) are highly poisonous.
  • bracken (Pteridium aquilinum): in sparse forests, at the edges of forests
  • yew (Taxus): around mountain regions, in gardens
  • thimble (Digitalis): in forest clearings, at forest edges, in gardens
  • Spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum): on rubbish dumps, fallow land, on roadsides
  • Buttercup (Ranunculus): in fields, in gardens, in damp meadows, along the way
  • autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale): on damp meadows and embankments
  • Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris): in meadows, on field edges, on fallow land
  • tree of life (Thuja): mainly in gardens
  • Sweet clover (Melilotus): on stony places, on paths and rubble dumps
  • Marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre): on wet meadows, in fens, on banks
  • oleander (Nerium oleander): in the garden, as a container plant
  • rhododendron (Rhododendron): in gardens and parks
  • male fern (Dryopteris): on water and in trees
Ergot on an ear of rye

A notice:

On rye and other grasses that are not poisonous themselves, ergot can grow. These are highly toxic sac fungi. In sheep, ergot causes severe thirst and diarrhea and leads to dilated pupils.


Sheep have a sensitive digestive system and are prone to flatulence. Even local fruit cannot be fed without hesitation. At most you can give them every now and then and in small amounts apples, pears, watermelons, grapes and other local fruit. However, sheep are not allowed to eat stone fruit. These include, among others:

  • apricots
  • plums
  • plums
  • peaches
  • sour cherries
  • sweet cherries
Cherries as fallen fruit


Don't neglect sheep fruit-trees graze when there is a chance that they will find and eat fallen fruit.

Exotic fruit

Even in small amounts, sheep are not allowed to eat exotic fruits. Therefore, never feed:

  • avocados
  • pineapple
  • bananas
  • mangoes
  • papayas
  • oranges


Boy feeds sheep with carrot
Carrots are harmless to sheep and may be fed from time to time.

Most vegetablesthat we humans eat are not suitable for sheep. Especially types of cabbage, which can cause severe flatulence. lettuce, beets, carrots, celery, pumpkin and Beetroot can be given raw to sheep. Potatoes and potato skins may only be fed when they have been boiled. Again, don't overdo it with the quantities.


Domestic sheep must not be fed leftover food, no matter what it is made of. Processed products such as sweets are also not suitable feed or food. sweetmeat. At best, well-dried bread can be given to them from time to time.

frequently asked Questions

What symptoms do sheep show when they have eaten the wrong food?

In the most favorable case, affected sheep experience temporary flatulence and stomach cramps. But the following symptoms of poisoning are also possible: loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea or constipation, circulatory problems, circulatory failure, colic, paralysis, cardiac arrest. Some plants/parts of plants, such as yew seeds, are so poisonous that even a few pieces can quickly lead to death.

What should I do if I see symptoms of poisoning in sheep?

Contact a veterinarian immediately and discuss how to proceed with him. It's good if you can find out what poisonous food the sheep ate. This can help the vet take proper countermeasures. To be on the safe side, dispose of the remaining feed or at least put it away until it is clear whether it caused the symptoms of poisoning.

Are the poisonous plants also dangerous when they are dried?

The many poisonous plants are too diverse to give a general answer. Some species break down the toxic substances during drying, while others do not. Ragwort and autumn crocus, for example, remain highly toxic even after drying. They must therefore not get into the hay or silage.

What do sheep like to eat most?

Like cows, sheep are ruminants. They love green, juicy grass and are allowed to eat as much of it in summer as they are hungry. Especially in winter, straw and hay are also an integral part of their diet. Likewise, sheep are fed with oats, barley, corn, legumes and bran. Incidentally, sheep do not like food that has been sitting around for a long time. That's why you should only get small amounts and if necessary. a second helping.

author Mirko

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