Growing Jerusalem artichokes in the garden

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garden editorial
7 minutes

Table of contents

  • Location & plant substrate
  • Plant
  • watering & fertilizing
  • harvest
  • Cut
  • multiply
  • Diseases & Pests
  • Conclusion

Jerusalem artichoke has the botanical name Helianthus tuberosus and is a delicate sweet potato, colloquially also called earthen pear. The root vegetable originally comes from North and Central America and has now spread almost all over the world. The demands on care and the site conditions are low, the plant multiplies quickly and easily. In addition to its valuable nutrients, Jerusalem artichoke also has a decorative value as an ornamental plant in the garden, the yellow flowers are beautiful and have a strong luminosity.

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Location & plant substrate

Jerusalem artichoke belongs to the sunflower family and is a relatively undemanding plant that does not place very high demands on the site conditions. The root vegetable can cope with almost all soil qualities, but not with heavy and moist soils that are extremely compacted and prone to waterlogging. The aerial part of the plant enchants with bright yellow flowers and is very decorative. The following conditions must be observed for the location and the plant substrate:

  • Loose soils with a slight amount of sand are ideal
  • Loosen extremely compacted loamy soils with chopped up tree cuttings or a sand mixture
  • pH should be between 6.0-7.5
  • Marshy grounds with stagnant moisture lead to stunted growth
  • Lay drainage in advance to drain soil
  • A small amount of lime in the soil does no harm
  • Full sun and warm places are ideal, partial shade is still tolerated
  • Pay attention to wind-protected locations
  • Ideally suited as a privacy screen to the street and to the neighboring property
  • Does well next to fences and near the compost heap


Jerusalem artichoke is one of the heavy feeders and is therefore only compatible with weak feeders in the neighborhood that do not spread widely, e.g. B. with beans.


Jerusalem artichoke is quick and easy to plant, but is extremely heavy and compacted Incorporate manure or a light compost into the soil beforehand so that the root vegetables can spread well can. Given its robustness and good winter hardiness, Jerusalem artichoke can be planted almost all year round, provided the soil is not frozen. However, the beginning of spring is ideal so that the root vegetables can thrive. The tubers required for planting are available in specialist fruit and vegetable shops. Helianthus tuberosus propagates via offshoots in the ground. A root barrier is recommended if no further spread is desired. The following procedure has proven itself when planting:

  • The best time for planting is from February/March to early May
  • September to October is also possible for planting
  • Deeply loosen the soil
  • Completely remove stones, thickening and weeds
  • Maintain a distance of 40-50 cm
  • Planting depth should be 8-15 cm
  • Plant less deeply in extremely heavy soil
  • Germination begins at temperatures as low as 7°C


To support rapid budding when the temperature is still cool, it is very useful to cover the planting, for example with warming fleece.

watering & fertilizing

Jerusalem artichoke needs a lot of water, especially on hot summer days when it hasn't rained for a long time. For a rich harvest, fertilizers must also be administered, otherwise the tubers will only develop poorly. If the plant is only to have an ornamental value, even small amounts of fertilizer are sufficient. When growing and tending, a procedure similar to that used for potatoes has proven itself when the tubers piled up in the same way, this leads to an easier harvest, since these are then higher in the ground lay. The following aspects should be considered when watering and fertilizing:

  • Water root vegetables often and extensively
  • However, it is essential to avoid waterlogging
  • Water in the morning or evening, never during the midday heat
  • Limp hanging leaves indicate a direct need for water
  • Water several times on hot and dry summer days
  • Automatic pouring systems reduce work and allow longer absences
  • Fertilize regularly, compost and other organic fertilizers are ideal
  • Do not use nitrogenous fertilizers, e.g. B. horn shavings and coffee grounds
  • Too much nitrogen in the soil causes the tubers to rot


Root vegetables are very sensitive to prolonged waterlogging, so it is advisable to To plant Jerusalem artichoke on small hills, because in this way a quick and immediate water drainage is guaranteed.


In midsummer, the main growth begins with the sweet potatoes, which are ready to harvest by October. The hearty aroma of the tubers only develops at the beginning of autumn and then becomes more and more intense. When harvesting, not all tubers have to be taken out of the ground at the same time, due to the good frost hardiness, they can be harvested throughout the winter season. Root vegetables can only be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, so it is always advisable to harvest them gradually:

  • Shortening the shoots before the harvest time in October makes later work easier
  • Grasp the plant shoot with your whole hand and pull it out completely, including the bulb
  • Carefully loosen soil that is too solid beforehand
  • Leave at least one bulb in the ground for the next harvest season
  • Sufficient watering in summer prevents the tubers from shriveling up
  • Regular harvesting of the tubers prevents unbridled spreading
  • Can be eaten raw or cooked, unpeeled and peeled
  • Hearty accompaniment to fish and meat
  • Mixes well with other vegetables
  • Can be prepared, pureed and fried just like potatoes
  • Can be pressed into a juice or syrup


In order to be able to harvest in winter even when the temperature is frosty, the bed and the ground must be covered with a thick and protective layer of leaves, straw or fleece


After the first frosty nights in autumn, the parts of the plant that grow above ground die off completely and should be cut off. Otherwise, a change in temperature can quickly lead to signs of rot, which can damage the underlying tubers. In addition, regular pruning is necessary in small garden areas, as the Jerusalem artichoke spreads rapidly. The following criteria should be considered when pruning:

  • Cut off the above-ground parts of the plant shortly after they have died
  • Carry out pruning again before sprouting again in May, approx. 5-10 cm above the ground
  • Free the planting from disturbing weeds in spring
  • Plants that grow taller displace weeds on their own and require less care


Helianthus tuberosus can be propagated both from seeds and from tubers, with the latter method being definitely the easier one:

  • Prepare seeds from March in the sowing bed or pots
  • From a growth height of 10 cm, put the young plants outdoors
  • Leave a small residual stock of tubers in the ground for further propagation
  • Plant can be easily divided and moved to various locations

Diseases & Pests

Jerusalem artichoke is relatively robust and mostly resistant to many types of pests, but various diseases can creep in if care is not taken. In addition, the tasty tubers are very popular with some underground animals. The following aspects should be considered for diseases and pests:

  • Upper parts of the plant are susceptible to powdery mildew, which only imperceptibly damages the tubers
  • Cut off the affected parts of the plant and dispose of them in the household waste
  • Moles and voles like to nibble on the tubers
  • Set up traps, but moles are protected
  • Snails love the foliage, but do not harm the tubers
  • Regular collection helps against snail plagues


Jerusalem artichoke is a delicate root vegetable that is ideal for growing in local gardens. The plant not only complements the menu, but also has a decorative aspect as it produces bright yellow and attractive flowers. Due to the good frost hardness, the sweet potato survives even severe winters without any problems and can even be harvested during the winter season. The plant is relatively undemanding, but care should be taken in the location for long-lasting sunlight and good wind protection. However, the water requirement is very high during hot and dry weather conditions, so that an increased workload can be expected in midsummer. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs, as this leads to signs of rot in the plant. With good care and ideally suited site conditions, Jerusalem artichoke quickly spreads over large areas, both below and above ground. Therefore, installing a root barrier, regular harvesting, and periodic pruning are highly recommended to avoid trouble with the neighbors.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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