Dispose of empty and old gas cylinders correctly

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Table of contents

  • Danger from empty and old gas cylinders
  • Household waste and recycling center are out of the question
  • Return deposit bottles to the retailer
  • Exchange the used bottle for a new bottle
  • Use of old gas cylinders
  • Hire a disposal company
  • "Special" gas cylinders
  • Gas cylinders as scrap metal

Gas cylinders, whether full, empty or old, are always considered dangerous goods. They are therefore subject to strict regulations that must also be observed when disposing of them. These bottles must not simply be thrown away!

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Danger from empty and old gas cylinders

Gas cylinders that have been emptied through use are not really empty. There is still a residual amount of gas in them, which is why they are still flammable. Old gas cylinders could also still be in a condition that can no longer be described as safe. There is also something like an expiry date for gas cylinders, which is documented by an inspection sticker. If this has expired, you should be particularly careful when handling them.

Household waste and recycling center are out of the question

Opening the lid of the garbage can and disposing of an old or empty gas bottle inside is sure to be a time-saving temptation. However, this is prohibited by law and can result in penalties for violations. A responsible person will also not take the risk that people may be harmed in the further course. A recycling center is also not responsible for accepting pressure containers.

Return deposit bottles to the retailer

Propane gas bottles for private use are mainly returnable bottles. The buyer pays a deposit for them, which is refunded by the retailer when the container is returned. You can usually recognize such bottles by their red color. They also have a logo of the supplier who owns the bottle. You can return the bottle to authorized locations. The retailer will service the returned bottle and then refill it for sale. If it is no longer usable, he will dispose of it in accordance with the regulations.

A notice:

When transporting the bag, make sure that it cannot tip over or roll back and forth in the car.

Exchange the used bottle for a new bottle

So-called usage bottles are usually colored gray and have a red lid. When these propane cylinders are used up, they will be exchanged for a new one at the dealer. There are no additional costs for safety testing and maintenance, as these are already included in the purchase price. Possible acceptance points include:

  • hardware stores
  • camping outfitter
  • various gas stations


Even if you no longer want an exchange, the exchange stations are the right place to go. They are legally authorized to even just accept gas cylinders. However, it is best to inquire by telephone in advance whether the chosen location is willing to do this.

Use of old gas cylinders

Dispose of the gas bottle properly

A gas bottle whose expiry date has expired according to the inspection sticker or stamp does not have to be disposed of by a long shot. First of all, it may and can be used up as long as it is undamaged and tight. In practice, such bottles rarely pose a problem because the expiry date is checked and replaced if necessary. is updated.

Hire a disposal company

If a gas cylinder is damaged or If you can't find a dealer nearby who will take them back, your only option is to go to a specialist disposal company. For example to the current market leader Air Liquide. The company has acceptance points throughout Germany. It also accepts foreign gas cylinders, regardless of their condition. There are also regional disposal companies that also offer disposal services. Which company you give preference to will certainly depend on what price is asked and how much your own time investment will be.

"Special" gas cylinders

In addition to the fuel and liquid gas cylinders commonly found in households, empty or old oxygen cylinders, helium cylinders or cylinders with unknown content or origin are disposed of. Certified disposal companies are also responsible here. They usually offer the following services:

  • Inspection of the bottle before transport
  • professional removal of the bottle
  • Identification of unknown content
  • Checking valves for damage
  • environmentally friendly recycling / disposal

A completely empty and no longer reusable gas cylinder counts as metal scrap and can be taken to the waste dealer or picked up by him. But be careful: Opening the valve of the old bottle for a longer period of time is not emptying in the sense of the legal regulations. It must be emptied professionally!

A notice:

The residual content of a gas cylinder can be easily determined by weighing it. However, the weight of the clean bottle must be known for this.

author Home editorial office

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