What can ducks eat? The ideal duck feed

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What can ducks eat - Peking ducks at a feeding station

Table of contents

  • groundbait
  • additional feed
  • Water
  • Natural food sources
  • How often to feed?
  • frequently asked Questions

Keeping ducks in the garden is becoming increasingly popular as they are considered easygoing animals. If you want to keep farm animals, you need to know what is the best way to feed them. Read here what ducks are allowed to eat. This is what the ideal duck feed looks like.

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You can buy special duck feed on the market, which mainly consists of different types of grain and oils. Occasionally dried vegetables or herbs are also included. You can also easily mix a suitable basic feed for ducks made from grain yourself.

Ducks eat grain

However, the grains should be at least coarsely ground or crushed before they are fed. This will prevent the esophagus from becoming clogged and, in the worst case, suffocating the animal. In addition, the feed should swell in the water for a short time, which means that the volume increases beforehand and not only in the stomach, where this can lead to problems for the animals.

These cereals are suitable as duck feed:

  • Maize (only crushed)
  • Wheat
  • Oats
  • rye


In winter you can also feed small amounts of soy. This provides the ducks with additional energy during the cold season.

Fruit and vegetables are also part of the basic feed. You can feed it to the ducks fresh, cooked or dried and then soaked again. The same applies here: always offer the animals beak-sized portions. You should also remove the peel of the fruit if possible.

Sliced ​​banana on board
Be careful when feeding sugary fruit!

Because of the fructose content, you should eat fruit like bananas only use in small amounts. In principle, all feed for ducks must always be fresh. Never feed spoiled food scraps. Ducks may not be gourmets, but spoiled feed can cause stomach problems and even death.

On the other hand, you can feed leftovers such as cuts, such as boiled potato peelings or carrot cuts. The outer leaves of lettuce, which are not so tasty for humans, are also suitable as duck food.

stones in the stomach

Ducks have a special digestion and absorb small stones. These pass through the digestive tract and are excreted again. In captivity, intake is limited. This deficiency can be compensated for by offering poultry grit. It also has the added benefit of containing calcium, which is good for bone structure and the strength of the eggshell.

additional feed

The supplementary food is comparable to chocolate in humans and should only be fed in small amounts as an occasional treat.

Duck eats bread
Unfortunately, bread does not provide ducks with any nutrients.

Ducks should only eat these foods in small doses:

  • Bread (if possible free of preservatives)
  • milk
  • sunflower seeds
  • vegetable oils


Water is essential for feeding. The ducks don't just need the water to drink. It helps them keep the food from getting stuck in their esophagus. In addition, it promotes the natural feed intake, as the ducks find their food in the water or in the bank area, among other things.

Suitable water point:

  • fresh water
  • clean
  • 5 to 10 cm deep

The fact that ducks switch between solid and liquid food quickly soils water bowls. Therefore, a pond with fresh water is part of species-appropriate husbandry. This means that there is no need for an additional supply of fresh water, but the feeding place should be near the pond.

Indian runner ducks at pond

A notice:

The running ducks, which are kept with pleasure, manage with a small bathing area. A pond is also required for this breed to ensure species-appropriate keeping.

Natural food sources

Many prospective duck keepers are under the misconception that the ducks will find enough food in the garden or in the meadow. However, the energy consumption of active ducks such as runner ducks is very high and they cannot meet their needs from natural food sources alone. They are omnivores and also eat animal food. Here are some of the things ducks eat:

  • insects
  • invertebrates
  • arachnids
  • small fish in natural waters
  • amphibians

Contrary to popular belief, snails, especially large snails like the Spanish slug, are not among the preferred animal proteins. Since the slime of these snail species is rather sticky, they literally get stuck in the ducks throat. However, ducks eat the clutch of snails.

Ducks eat plants


When it comes to plant food, ducks find plenty of aquatic plants and grasses in nature. If ducks are looking for food in the garden, you should protect the vegetables, because they won't stop at a head of lettuce.

How often to feed?

How often ducks need food can vary from breed to breed. Always provide enough food, but not so much that the bowl is largely full even after feeding. In order to find the optimal amount of food, you should offer the ducks smaller portions several times a day.

When feeding, it is important that the feeding area is always clean. Feeding bowls need to be cleaned regularly to keep them from becoming a source of disease. You should also make sure that no wild birds have access to the food, as they can also transmit diseases. Rats at the feeding place are also a pest and potential carrier of diseases. It makes more sense not to simply leave the feeding bowls, but to offer the feed to the ducks again and again.


There are feeders for ducks that only the ducks have access to because it can only be opened with a special mechanism. If you want to use such dispensers, train the ducks to use them early on.

frequently asked Questions

What are ducks not allowed to eat?

Meat, noodles or baked goods that are heavily seasoned or heavily seasoned should not be part of the duck diet. is salted. Sugary foods are also not suitable for ducks.

What Do Ducklings Eat?

Ducklings do not require any special diet. They basically eat the same food as adult ducks. For chicks, the feed only needs to be made available in a more comminuted form. Grain should be ground finely so that pieces that are too large do not pose a risk.

Is it good to feed ducks?

Yes, as long as you provide the ducks with suitable food. Compared to wild ducks, ducks kept as livestock have higher energy expenditure. They are therefore always dependent on additional feeding.

author Mirko

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