Low maintenance hardy / perennial ground cover

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garden editorial
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Climbing Ivy - Hedera helix

Table of contents

  • Reliable classics
  • Flowering cushion perennials
  • Evergreen ground cover
  • Noble ground cover roses
  • Conclusion

They are the magicians in the plant kingdom. Ground covers banish dreary gaps, annoying weeds and drab beds from the garden and replace them with the floral splendor of dense carpets. It is the frugal upholstery perennials that give an ornamental garden an easy-care touch and inspire ever new design ideas. Explore what Mother Nature has to offer in terms of easy-care, hardy groundcover for perennial cultivation. A selection of the best upholstery perennials for the creative hobby garden awaits you.

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Reliable classics

This category contains the most popular ground covers that have proven themselves over the decades:

Ivy (Hedera helix)

Once the decorative climbing plant has gained a foothold, it won't let the hobby gardener down. Ivy also reliably greens areas where other plants cannot survive. The only drawback is the poison content in all parts of the plant.

  • Spread from 300 to 1000 cm
  • For sunny, semi-shady and shady locations

Medlar (Cotoneaster dammeri radicans)

The perennial groundcover convinces with a number of advantageous attributes, such as dense growth, delicate flowers and pretty fruit decorations in autumn. Extremely tolerant of site conditions, the carpet medlar diligently greens any area assigned to it.

  • Growth height 10 to 15 cm
  • Annual growth up to 15 cm

Carpet dogwood (Cornus canadensis)

It is one of the loveliest ground covers, because it always has new surprises in store throughout the year. From June, dogwood presents white flowers, followed by autumnal fruit decorations and a reddish autumn coloring of the leaves.

  • Growth height 10 to 20 cm
  • Prefers slightly acidic soil and partial shade

Ground cover cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus 'Mount Vernon')

The talents of the cherry laurel are by no means limited to a function as a popular hedge plant. This dwarf variety turns any area into an eye-catcher with its rich green, glossy foliage. If such a noble ground cover lines the access path to the house, every guest feels welcome.

  • Growth height 15 to 30 cm
  • For sunny to partially shaded locations

Flowering cushion perennials

Blue Cushion - Aubrieta

Don't expect any time-consuming and cumbersome maintenance work. Instead, these flowering cushion perennials create a paradisiacal appearance both in sun-drenched rock garden, as well as under mighty trees, on the lean dry stone wall or along it a stream.

Blue Pillow (Aubrieta)

From April to May, enchanting blue cushions with countless blue, white or purple flowers adorn the rock garden, flower bed or dry stone wall. Extremely easy to care for, thanks to their robust drought tolerance, the flowers develop particularly well in the nutrient-rich, calcareous location.

  • Growth heights of 5 to 10 cm
  • Sunny to partially shaded position

Scarlet field thyme (Thymus serpyllum)

Wherever it is sunny and dry, field thyme unfolds its beauty as a ground cover. In June and July it captivates with a wonderful bloom and an intoxicating scent. As an evergreen plant, the bed keeps its green coat even during the winter.

  • Ideal for rock and roof gardens
  • Growth height 5 to 10 cm

Carpet phlox (Phlox douglasii)

Purple star blossoms as far as the eye can see; This is how this undemanding ground cover presents itself from May to June. In winter, the needle-like leaves linger on the plant, so that no sadness arises.

  • Growth height 5 to 10 cm
  • Thrives in any normal garden soil

Dalmatian cushion bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana)

Its ravishing blooms take the viewer's breath away. From June to August, this ground cover spreads its purple carpet of flowers. The perennial performs this masterpiece in almost any location, as long as there is only a little sunshine.

  • Growth height 8 to 15 cm
  • Deciduous and hardy

Bacopa 'Dazzleberry' (Sedum 'Dazzleberry')

When the summer blooms in the garden fade, this flowering groundcover from the large Sedum family is the perfect choice. From August to October, the bacopa creates a veritable riot of color with dark red flowers over silvery leaves on small and large areas.

  • Growth height 5 to 10 cm
  • For sunny to partially shaded locations

Evergreen ground cover

Ysander - fat man - Pachysandra terminalis

Once the following evergreen ground covers have established themselves, there will be no more weeds. This allows the plagued hobby gardener to take a deep breath; thanks to these hardy universal talents, he can concentrate on gardening activities that really bring joy.

Ysander (Pachysandra terminalis)

Its middle name 'Schattengrün' already indicates where this hardy ground cover would like to spread. Its fresh green foliage adorns tricky locations under the canopy of tall trees and consistently keeps weeds at bay.

  • Growth heights from 10 to 25 cm
  • Shady, humus sites

Small-leaved periwinkle (Vinca minor)

As an evergreen semi-shrub, this groundcover decoratively sets the scene with an enchanting flower from May to September. As long as it is not too dark or acidic at the location, small-leaved periwinkle fulfills the tasks assigned to it and is undemanding.

  • Planting needs 10-12 specimens per square meter
  • Growth height 10 to 30 cm

Carpet golden strawberry (Waldsteinia ternata)

Its short runners create an extra-compact habit that is characteristic of this low-maintenance ground cover. From April to May, a bright yellow bloom shines above the deep green foliage that bravely holds its ground through the winter.

  • Growth height 5 to 10 cm
  • Partly shaded to shaded areas

Foam flower (Tiarella cordifolia)

If you are looking for a ground cover under rhododendrons, you will find the ideal candidate here. Although the foam bloom forms a compact carpet, it does not crowd out the less competitive rhododendron. In addition, the plant scores with a beautiful flower arrangement in spring.

  • Growth height 10 to 20 cm
  • Considered a hardy leaf eater

Hazel root (Asarum europaeum)

With its kidney-shaped, evergreen and glossy leaves, it brings peace to the bed. Their growth rate is limited, which the hazel root compensates for with a robust longevity and minimal care requirements.

  • Growth height 5 to 20 cm
  • Brown-red flowers in March and April

Noble ground cover roses

Royal blooms and practical use go hand in hand here. Ground-covering roses score with low growth, robust winter hardiness and undemanding care.

Groundcover Rose 'Diamant' (Rosa 'Diamant')

Awarded the gold medal in 2006, this rose variety has won the hearts of gardeners as a groundcover. Since it is also assigned to the Rigo roses, it is not only easy to care for, but also extremely resistant. The pure white bloom extends from June to September.

  • Growth height 30 to 60 cm
  • Deciduous and hardy

Groundcover Rose 'Knirps' (Rosa 'Knirps')

With pink carpets of flowers, this rose variety delights the gardener from June to September in sunny locations or as an underplanting in large tubs. Its ADR rating guarantees stable leaf health, which is essential for the care of roses.

  • Growth height 20 to 30 cm
  • Heavily double flowers

Groundcover Rose 'Snow Queen' (Rosa 'Snow Queen')

Where large areas need to be transformed into a flower paradise, the majestic 'Snow Queen' is there. With its pure white flowers on elegantly curved shoots, it has excellent ground cover qualities.

  • Growth height up to 70 cm
  • Often flowering from June to August

Ground cover rose 'Alpenglühen' (Rosa 'Alpenglühen')

A glowing beauty moves into your garden with this ground cover rose. The deep red flowers cannot escape even the unwary eye and offer a decorative contrast against the fresh green foliage. Since 'Alpenglühen' is one of the healthiest types of roses, its care is limited to a small amount of time.

  • Growth height 50 to 60 cm
  • Resistant to blackspot and powdery mildew


Stop struggling with dreary bed areas, desolate embankments and penetrating weeds. With easy-care, perennial ground covers, such gardening problems disappear into thin air. For every conceivable location condition in the private ornamental garden, there are arrangements available that can be wonderfully combined. This hand-picked selection of the best candidates offers reliable classics, flowering and evergreen cushion perennials as well as the royal shine of noble ground cover roses.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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