Fight witch rings in the lawn

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Table of contents

  • recognize witch rings
  • Causes and Prevention
  • Control by ablation
  • Control with fungicides
  • If nothing helps
  • Conclusion

If larger, unsightly areas form in the lawn, then it may be witch rings caused by a fungus. Not every garden owner is already aware of these diseases. The rings destroy the appearance of the lawn and the fungal spores can multiply throughout the garden if they are not combated. However, the infestation can be counteracted with appropriate measures. Fungicides or soil removal can be used to combat the fungus, but prevention is always the best option.

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recognize witch rings

If, over time, circular, unsightly, yellowish spots form on a piece of lawn, the circumference can take on a considerable size of up to several meters, then the gardener speaks of witch wrestling. This is a fungal disease that must be fought as soon as possible so that the fungus can spread through its spores, that are carried along by the wind, do not spread throughout the garden and, in the worst case, a kitchen garden or fruit trees affected. The witch rings have a very specific appearance, which means that even an inexperienced hobby gardener can quickly identify the fungal disease:

  • Ring-shaped discolorations form in the lawn
  • these consist of dead blades of grass
  • Small mushrooms often grow in circles on the lawn
  • often these rings are separated from the rest of the lawn by dark grasses
  • these therefore grow particularly well because they feed on the fungi
  • the resulting circles result from the fact that fungi spread evenly in all directions from their site of infection


If such circular rings are seen on the lawn, immediate action should be taken to prevent them from enlarging and spreading further.

Causes and Prevention

The cause of the appearance of witch rings in the lawn is often due to too dense, impermeable soil and too much moisture. A lack of nutrients can also promote the appearance of fungi in the garden. Therefore, prevention of these causes from the outset is the best remedy for witch rings:

  • Scarifying helps to provide the lawn with enough oxygen and to destroy fungi in advance
  • ideally scarify twice a year, in spring and autumn
  • always keep the ground loose
  • Prick soil with garden fork or rake
  • Sand filled into these holes provides water permeability
  • Fertilize the lawn more often throughout the year
  • in areas that receive little or no sun, be careful not to leave the lawn too wet
  • just planted under trees on a lawn quickly develops fungal growth
  • Do not leave lawn clippings, remove them completely after mowing
  • If there are matted areas, remove them and possibly sow new lawn in the place


There are already lawn mowers with built-in scarifiers, so both jobs can be done in one. The grass clippings collection basket should also always be used so that it does not remain on the freshly mown lawn and thus offers the fungus a good breeding ground.

Control by ablation

Mushrooms in the lawn: witch rings - fairy rings

If you want to use biological means and take gentle action against the witch rings, it is advisable to work carefully. If there are already small mushrooms, the fruiting bodies, they must be removed in such a way that no spores are left behind. Therefore, disposable gloves should always be worn when removing the fruiting bodies. Next, proceed as follows:

  • Dispose of gloves immediately after removing all fungi in a bag
  • also put the fruiting bodies themselves directly into a provided, leak-proof plastic bag when removing them
  • provide them directly at the workplace
  • in this way avoid long distances with the mushrooms in hand
  • Finally, tie the bag tightly and dispose of it in the household waste
  • all traces are removed, loosen the soil well, fertilize and sow new grass.
  • do not drive the lawnmower over the affected areas
  • this will spread the fungal spores over the entire lawn


Never put removed grass, fungi or other plant residues from an infested lawn in the compost, but dispose of them well sealed in the household waste. Otherwise, the fungi can spread throughout the garden the next time you apply compost.

Control with fungicides

If supporting agents from the trade are to fight the witch rings in the lawn, a fungicide must be applied over a large area. It is good if the affected areas are prepared beforehand, as described under “Fighting by removal”. The antifungal agent can then be applied to the entire lawn. Always pay attention to the manufacturer's information on the product and proceed as follows:

  • Wear protective clothing, long sleeves and trousers to prevent skin contact with product
  • Wear gardening gloves, possibly a painter's mask, so that the poison is not inhaled
  • work only on windless days
  • Do not use the product in direct sunlight
  • fungicides usually have to be applied more frequently to completely kill the fungi


Especially if the infested lawn is near a kitchen garden, the fungicides should only be used very carefully, because they not only act against the fungus in the lawn, they can also be dangerous for the groundwater and thus also for the neighboring kitchen garden become.

If nothing helps

If the fungicides do not help at all and the fungus continues to spread unhindered, the only remaining measure is to remove the soil. Of course, this is very time-consuming, especially with a large lawn area, and should therefore only be carried out in an extreme emergency. The affected area is generously removed with a spade. It is essential to ensure that the removed soil is disposed of immediately and is not used elsewhere in the garden. At least 15 cm should be removed to ensure that no infested soil remains. New, fresh soil is filled into the resulting holes and new turf is sown, or if it needs to go faster, planted.


Mix the soil to be filled in directly with sand and fertilizer so the soil is more permeable and well prepared for the new lawn.


Once fungi have settled in the lawn, it becomes difficult to remove them completely. It is therefore better to take good care of the lawn right from the start and thus not to give witch rings a chance in the first place. If it does happen, witch rings in the lawn can be combated by removing the areas or using fungicides. Because the annoying witch rings in the lawn are not just a blemish, but a real one Disease that should be avoided or fought at all costs, otherwise they will spread throughout the garden could.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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