Potted plants for the terrace with little water + full sun

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Table of contents

  • Bearded Beard (Caryopteris clandonensis)
  • Blue Rue - Silver Bush (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
  • Diamond Grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha)
  • Noble broom (Cytisus scoparius)
  • Japanese maple 'Mikawa yatsubusa' (Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa')
  • Gazanie – Midday Gold (Gazania)
  • Houseleek 'Water Lily' (Sempervivum)
  • Fall Skullcap (Scutellaria incana)
  • Cape Marguerite (Osteospermum)
  • lavender
  • Campion (Lychnis coronaria)
  • Magnificent Candle (Gaura lindheimeri)
  • Sand carnation (Dianthus arenarius)
  • Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)
  • Sea Lavender – Sea Lavender (Goniolimon tataricum)
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
  • White summer lilac (Buddleja davidii)
  • Rockrose (Cistus laurifolius)
  • Lemon tree (Citrus x limon)
  • Conclusion

With lavish blooms, potted plants transform the terrace into a summery oasis of well-being. This privilege is not only reserved for hobby gardeners with free time management. If you devote yourself to your job during the day and don't have time for time-consuming care work, you don't have to do without the floral magic. Mother Nature has provided us with a variety of decorative plants that will not go limp even on the south side of the house. The following selection presents you with recommended potted plants for the terrace, which are satisfied with little water despite full sun.

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Bearded Beard (Caryopteris clandonensis)

Bearded Beard - Caryopteris clandonensis

When the terrace is exposed to intense sunlight in late summer and autumn, the beard flower blossoms into bloom. With bright blue flowers on upright shoots up to 100 cm high, the densely bushy semi-shrub creates an opulent appearance. Thanks to a robust winter hardiness, a pruning in the spring is enough for the flowering spectacle to be repeated in the next season.

  • Flowering period from August to October
  • When the top 3-4 cm of soil dries up, it is watered

Blue Rue - Silver Bush (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

Blue rhombus perovskia

Don't bother with a sunny spot on the patio any longer, where common summer flowers give up in a short drought. In these locations, the richly flowering and luxuriantly branched blue rue feels at home. When the sun's rays fall on the silvery shimmering foliage, an enchanting scent unfolds, which invites you to relax after a hard day's work, without having to set off with a watering can make.

  • Flowering period from August to October
  • Water little without causing waterlogging

Diamond Grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha)

Ornamental grasses draw evergreen pictures in the tub on the terrace, which do not let any sadness arise even in winter. One of the top performers in this category is diamond grass, which has filigree, silvery-pink flower spikes well into autumn. The pot should have a volume of at least 10 liters so that the expansive ornamental grass feels in good hands. If you only find time to water in the evening on hot summer days, the plant will not take it amiss.

  • flowering time in autumn
  • Water in the evening or morning on hot summer days

Noble broom (Cytisus scoparius)

Noble Broom - Cytisus scoparius

The noble variant of the common broom inspires with red-yellow winged flowers on strong, tightly upright branches. Thanks to a compact habit with a growth height of 150 to 200 cm, the noble broom is ideal for the bucket on the terrace in full sun, warm location.

  • Flowering period from May to June
  • Water when the substrate has dried

Japanese maple 'Mikawa yatsubusa' (Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa')

Japanese Maple - Acer palmatum

This rarity among deciduous trees provides convincing proof that you don't need flowers to draw a colorful picture on the terrace. Dense tufts of leaves sit on the conspicuously twisted branches in a roof tile-like arrangement. In autumn, the bright red foliage competes with the last clusters of flowers. The sunnier the location, the more intense the coloring. After 10 years, the Japanese treasure reaches a height of 100 to 150 cm, so that - in contrast to other deciduous trees - it can stay in the bucket all its life.

  • Special feature: twisted branches
  • Water 1 to 2 times a week in summer
Gazania - Gazania

Summer heat doesn't bother her any more than the blazing sun at midday. It is these sweaty conditions that a gazania expects to develop its disc flowers, which can be up to 10 cm in size. The sunshine hybrids, which stretch up to 30 cm towards the sky, are perfect for pots. The 15 cm small mini star gazania are ready to stage the flower festival in the balcony box.

  • Flowering time from June to the first frost
  • Water only when the substrate has dried well

Houseleek 'Water Lily' (Sempervivum)

Houseleek - Sempervivum

We would like to introduce you to the colorful variety 'Seerose', which is representative of the multi-faceted family of badger and houseleek. The succulent boasts a striking silhouette of emerald-green leaf rosettes, which are impressively staged with reddish-brown tips in summer. The undemanding Sempervivum adorn your terrace in a tub in all sunny locations in a similarly fascinating way. Even shimmering heat does not cause any problems for the perennials, as they can draw on their own water reserves in the fleshy leaves. It is only important to note that the planting takes place in a sandy, permeable and nutrient-poor substrate.

  • Flowering time all year round, depending on the species
  • Water in sips when dry

Fall Skullcap (Scutellaria incana)

Sun-loving, drought-tolerant and undemanding – these attributes characterize the autumn skullcap. When the garden year draws to a close, the reliable perennial puts on its light blue flower dress. The good-natured skullcap lasts until the first frost without constantly requiring care. Only a pruning close to the ground in early spring creates space for the next generation of flowers to sprout.

  • Flowering time from August to the first frost
  • In summer droughts, water when the soil has dried

Cape Marguerite (Osteospermum)

Cape Marguerite - Osteospermum

As an evergreen subshrub with a never-ending flowering period, the Cape Marguerite should not be missing from this selection. The South African sunbather only opens her flowers when she can enjoy the rays of our mother star. Since its flower stalks stretch up to 60 cm in height, the Bornholm daisy prefers a wind-calmed zone on the terrace and balcony.

  • Flowering time from May to the first frost
  • Water vigorously in the morning or evening on hot summer days


Lavender with butterfly

With the real lavender, the romantic flair of Provence finds its way onto the terrace and balcony. The robust small shrub rarely requires gardening attention as long as it is allowed to stay in a sunny, warm spot. In addition to the deep blue flower, lavender scores with evergreen, aromatic leaves. Sun, dryness and warmth elicit the most beautiful sides of the Mediterranean gem in the tub.

  • Flowering period from July to September
  • Water sparingly


So that drought-loving potted plants do not suffer from waterlogging, please insert drainage made of inorganic materials between the substrate and the opening in the ground. Potsherds, expanded clay balls or grit are well suited. So that the water-bearing layer does not silt up, spread a breathable fleece over it.

Campion (Lychnis coronaria)

Campion - Velvet Carnation - Lychnis coronaria

The biennial campion's short lifespan makes up for it with a profusion of blooms that last throughout the summer. Their most beautiful varieties bloom in bright crimson or innocent white. For the small pot and the large flower box, the sun worshiper is suitable both as a solitary plant and in a sociable neighborhood with perennials with a similar preference for sunny, warm locations.

  • Flowering time from June to August/September
  • In summer, only water when finger testing indicates dry soil

Magnificent Candle (Gaura lindheimeri)

Magnificent Candle - Gaura lindheimeri

The magnificent candle found its way into our gardens from the sun-drenched, hot prairie landscapes of North America. With gracefully hanging flower clusters, the 60 to 100 cm tall perennial in the tub takes part in the summer show on the terrace. From its countless, profusely flowering shoots, the magnificent candle likes to donate one or the other stem for the vase. Since it is not completely hardy, we recommend a frost-free, bright winter quarters.

  • Flowering time from July to October
  • Pour cautiously

Sand carnation (Dianthus arenarius)

If you are looking for a sun-tolerant underplanting for large potted plants that is content with little water, the sand carnation is there. With a dainty 10 to 20 cm growth height and filigree, white flowers, it lies decoratively at the feet of flowering shrubs and majestic perennials. Of course, the pretty perennial also likes to play the leading role in the flower box on the sunny terrace.

  • Flowering period from July to September
  • Water now and then

Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)

evergreen candytuft - Iberis sempervirens

The evergreen candytuft floods the sunny terrace with clouds of white flowers. As a classic spring bloomer, the small perennial used as an underplanting in the tub bridges the waiting time until the flowering season of the summer protagonists begins. The dark green, narrow leaves remain as a decorative accessory throughout the year.

  • Flowering time from April to May
  • Water sparingly

Sea Lavender – Sea Lavender (Goniolimon tataricum)

It is considered a prime example of an uncomplicated container plant that craves full sun and requires little water. As its name suggests, the African lilac prefers to thrive in poor, dry and sunny conditions. Among the more than 300 species, the perfect sea lavender should be discovered for every wish. Incidentally, the blue flower stalks are ideal for long-lasting dried flowers for bouquets and arrangements.

  • Flowering time from July to October
  • Pour in sips

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)


Aromatic thyme transforms the terrace into a scented and herb garden. Thanks to the wide range of varieties, there is the ideal herbal plant for every design requirement. The wide range of hybrids extends from the small, red flowering cascade thyme for the balcony box to the 30 cm tall spice thyme for the bucket. At the same time, the kitchen is regularly supplied with fresh herbs. The top priority for the full aroma is a sunny, warm place that comes close to the Mediterranean climate conditions.

  • Flowering period from June to August
  • Water in sips when the soil has dried

White summer lilac (Buddleja davidii)

The wonderful summer lilac boasts up to 40 cm long, snow-white panicles of flowers that exude an intoxicating scent. The 200 to 300 cm tall ornamental tree in a large pot on the sun-drenched terrace sets the stage for its summery blossom spectacle, because it only achieves its optimum in full sun.

  • Flowering time from July to October/November
  • Water in the morning or evening if it is dry


Even hardy plants in the tub cannot do without protection against the icy frost. Place the jar on a block of wood and wrap it with jute, foil or fleece. A thick layer of foliage protects the substrate from excessive winter moisture.

Rockrose (Cistus laurifolius)

The cistus does not like to be confronted with shady locations and moisture. Rather, the flowering ornamental tree only unfolds its Mediterranean charm when it can enjoy the full sun. With a growth height of 60 to 120 cm, the fragrant beauty of the flowers is predestined for cultivation in the tub. Since the scented plant shivers at temperatures below freezing, it can easily be placed in a pot in a frost-free winter quarters.

  • Flowering period from May/June to August/September
  • Water only when the substrate has dried noticeably

Lemon tree (Citrus x limon)

lemon Tree

From May to October, the lemon tree spreads a Mediterranean holiday feeling, when a splendor of white flowers stands out above its shiny green leaves, complemented by the yellow fruits. For this floral masterpiece, the citrus plant wants a warm, full sun in a sheltered niche.

  • Flowering time several times a year
  • Depending on the temperature, water thoroughly 2 to 3 times a week


They contribute a colorful abundance of flowers to creative terrace greening and tolerate short-term drought. The pot plants presented here will not let you down in full sun if they only get a little water. Rather, the floral survivors only feel in good hands when they do not stretch out their roots in damp and wet substrate. As this selection shows, as a hobby gardener with limited time, you don't have to do without a colorfully blooming retreat for mild summer evenings.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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