When to plant lavender? The ideal planting time is spring/autumn

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Table of contents

  • A Mediterranean beauty
  • The ideal planting time
  • Planting in autumn
  • distance and cut
  • Prepare ornamental beds
  • Conclusion

There have been numerous stories and legends about lavender for thousands of years. Its versatility as a medicinal and useful plant was already known to the ancient Egyptians and Romans. Even today, the plant with the purple flowers has lost none of its fascination and popularity. The effort is low to cultivate Lavandula in your own garden. In addition to the optimal location and the right soil, there are a few relevant details to consider when sowing and planting the mint family.

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A Mediterranean beauty

Real lavender, often also called narrow-leaved lavender, is more than just a decorative ornament for the garden. With its pleasant scent, lavender spreads an exotic atmosphere. The essential oils of the plant have a positive effect on the body and mind. The flowers of Lavandula are a rich source of food for bees, bumblebees and butterflies well into October. Originally, lavender comes from the mountainous areas around the Mediterranean Sea. In these regions it is by no means unusual to find the "Lavandula Angustifolia" variety at an altitude of up to 2000 meters. Warmth, sunlight and a permeable soil are the most important criteria for the successful cultivation of the perennial plant. The following points have proven themselves:

  • Lime acidic soil
  • Mix extremely nutrient-rich substrate with poor soil
  • Lavender prefers lean soil
  • The planting place should be warm and dry

The plant from the Mediterranean region has little to do with wet feet. Standing wetness promotes an infestation of sac fungi. These pathogens cause the root rot that many gardeners fear. This disease cannot be treated with fungicides and other means. A large part of the affected plants die. For this reason, it makes sense to take preventive measures. A south-facing location on a slight slope is ideal. If the geographical location of your garden does not meet this requirement, you can use a trick: pile up small mounds of earth and plant the characteristic shrubs there.


The mints cannot cope with high humidity. For cultivation on bank edges or For this reason, the plants are not suitable for damp places.

The ideal planting time

All types of Lavandula are heat and sun loving plants. With the right protection, older specimens can survive the cold season unscathed. In order not to experience any unpleasant surprises in spring, the time of planting plays an important role. Compared to other perennials, lavender needs several months to acclimate to a new location and develop its densely branched root network. In this way, the perennial bushes are able to draw water and nutrients from deeper layers of the earth, even in severe drought. Lavender plants that have been bought or grown on the windowsill should be planted in the garden in spring. If the location and care meet the requirements of the perennials, you can often enjoy the pleasantly smelling flowers in summer.

  • Planting time in spring is between March and May
  • Larger plants can be planted earlier
  • Late onset frost can damage the plants
  • For protection, you should apply brushwood or bark mulch
  • Alternatively, wrap the above-ground shoots with a special fleece

Mediterranean plants from nurseries or the supermarket should be prepared accordingly before transplanting them into the garden. Submerge the root ball and the old substrate in a bucket of lukewarm water. As soon as no more air bubbles are visible, the soil has been sufficiently soaked. With this measure you make it easier for the plants to get used to the new place. Prepare the site before the end of the year. The soil can settle sufficiently in the winter months.

Planting in autumn

Between the end of August and the beginning of October, lavender lovers have another opportunity to implement the Mediterranean plants in their garden. It is advisable to only plant older and large lamiaceae in the fall. In a few weeks, these plants manage to prepare themselves sufficiently for the cold season. Similar to spring, it can also make sense to protect the plants from cold and frost in autumn. It is sufficient if you cover the lavender with a thick layer of brushwood, withered leaves or bark mulch. In addition to planting in the ornamental bed, the colorful season is also suitable for pulling cuttings and sinkers. With the help of this method, the Mediterranean beauties can be easily multiplied.

distance and cut

Depending on the variety, lavender can reach a height of up to 2 m. In order to give the plants enough space, a minimum distance of about 40 cm should be maintained. This space is necessary so that the perennials do not compete with each other for light and nutrients. The result of cultivation that is too dense: the plants bare in the lower third. It makes sense to cut back the plants immediately after planting in the spring. In this way Lavandula is stimulated to a bushy growth.

  • Cut back half of 1-year-old lavender
  • Cut perennial plants up to 2/3
  • The second. Cut after flowering
  • Dried flowers can be reused in scented sachets


In a sufficiently large planter, you can cultivate the Mediterranean ornamental plants permanently. The best time to plant and repot potted plants is in spring.

Prepare ornamental beds

The tropical plants feel particularly at home in rock gardens and in Mediterranean garden landscapes. There is very little to consider when planting:

  • Remove weeds and root debris from the planting site
  • Enrich heavy soils with sand
  • If necessary, create a drainage
  • Expanded clay and small pebbles are suitable for this task
  • Use lavender up to the upper root neck
  • Fill cavities with substrate
  • Press down the soil and water vigorously

Lavandula feels very comfortable in the company of roses. With their essential ingredients, the plants not only attract beneficial insects, but also keep aphids at bay. The plants from the Mediterranean region can be combined with almost all perennials in the garden that share the same requirements in terms of location and substrate.


Lavender is a versatile cultivated plant that attracts attention with its characteristic smell. There is very little to consider when cultivating. Only location, soil and the right planting time should be considered. The plant also exudes its Mediterranean flair in the bucket.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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