How much water does a pond lose?

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garden editorial
7 minutes
Water Lilies - Nymphaea

Table of contents

  • What are the influences on the water level in the pond?
  • Water level fluctuations according to the German Weather Service
  • What to do if there is water loss in the pond?
  • causes of water loss
  • hole in the pond liner
  • Missing capillary barrier
  • fountains and streams
  • Leaking hoses, pipes, taps or valves
  • Plant
  • Conclusion

In order to find out whether the fluctuations are normal or whether something is wrong, you have to take a closer look at the topic.

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What are the influences on the water level in the pond?

  • water temperature
  • air temperature
  • wind speed
  • waving
  • air pressure
  • planting
  • transpiration of plants
  • Nature and material of the shore zones

Not all of these values ​​are measurable for the layperson, which means that no clear statement can be made about their influence on the water level.

Water level fluctuations according to the German Weather Service

According to the German Weather Service, fluctuations of 1mm 1 liter per m² per month are normal. For a medium-sized pond 2 m deep, this means that around 140 liters of water per month evaporate in July. In April it's only half that, but the temperatures are lower and the sun isn't that strong yet. In lower ponds, however, evaporation is higher. In any case, the evaporation should not be serious. If there is a regular lack of water, this usually has other causes.

What to do if there is water loss in the pond?

It is completely normal for the water level to drop in summer. This is because some of the water simply evaporates due to the sun and warmth and the plants also have a higher water requirement. A lot of water “disappears”, especially in shallow water zones. But there are other causes of water loss.

causes of water loss

If there is a regular lack of water in the pond, i.e. also in cool and damp weather, there may be other causes. A hole in the pond liner is just one possibility. Fortunately, this suspicion is rarely confirmed. More often, however, a missing capillary barrier is the reason for the water loss. Water is thus absorbed by the soil outside the pond. Depending on the size of the pond, this can be a lot of water that disappears never to be seen again.

  • weather conditions
  • hole in the pond liner
  • Missing capillary barrier
  • fountains and streams
  • Hoses, pipes and technology

hole in the pond liner

Water Lilies Nymphaea

The most difficult thing about a leak in the pond liner is finding the leak. There are a few sensible ways to find this. The pond water is drained in stages. If more and more water disappears, the hole is deeper and you have to let out the next stage. Otherwise the pond can be completely filled. The water level is marked with a chalk line every day. When the level stops sinking, the water depth at which the hole is located has been reached. At this height you have to search specifically. Cracks in the upper area of ​​the film can be repaired quite easily. The area around the leak needs to be cleaned gently but thoroughly. A new piece of pond liner is glued on there with the help of special glue. This should be very generous, protruding at least 5 cm on each side. Depending on the manufacturer's instructions, the glue must dry, which can take one or even several days. The pond is then filled again. On the other hand, if the hole is very deep down in the pond, it will be difficult to repair it. Usually the plants and fish have to be removed from the pond and if you are unlucky also the gravel and stones that cover the bottom. All water is to be drained. It involves a lot of effort. Individual small areas can be touched up with "patches". But if there are too many, if there are cracks or if the film has become brittle, it is better to replace it completely.


As just described, PVC pond liners can be repaired quite easily. With rubber foils (EPDM) it is a bit more complex because different adhesives are used. The film must first be treated with a special basic cleaner. An adhesive is then applied to the dry rubber sheet. This is later followed by double-sided, permanently elastic tape, which must be specially suitable for connecting EPDM. The prepared foil patch is placed on this well-prepared splice. It must be pressed firmly, preferably with a heavy rolling pin or a wallpaper roller.

  • PVC film has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years
  • A rubber foil lasts longer, 25 years and more

Missing capillary barrier

The capillaries in the soil have a suction effect on the pond water. Similar to plant roots, which spread out in all directions, they stretch towards the water and exert a suction. Although it helps to cut off the plant roots and take back the soil a little, this is usually not a permanent solution. Earth, stones and plant roots can pull water out of the pond from the outside over the edge of the pond, sometimes in considerable amounts. In most cases, the edge of the pond has to be completely redesigned or replaced. a functioning capillary barrier must be installed. The easiest way to achieve this is to pull up the pond liner at the edge. You push them over a small mound of earth and dig them in again behind it. This creates clean edges, everything looks very neat. Embankment mats also protect the bank from tearing of the film due to tensile stress or UV radiation.

  • Suction effect on the pond water
  • Bank mats, plant bags and stone foil can cause water loss if they do not end within the foil seal
  • Install capillary barrier

fountains and streams

Fountains or streams can also cause water loss in the pond, especially in strong winds. The wind carries the water drop by drop into the edge area or out of the pond area. If this continues for many hours, a lot of water accumulates and disappears.

Leaking hoses, pipes, taps or valves

Technology and supply lines can also be to blame if a pond is constantly losing water. Only one thing helps here, checking everything, i.e. all hoses, pipes, supply lines, water taps, sliders and the like. The leak has to be found. Particularly inexpensive water hoses do not last particularly long and have to be replaced frequently. First, all pumps should be turned off. The water level must be observed in the following. If it stays on the same level, the connections need to be checked. All technology must be checked.


Plants can also damage a pond, especially the pond liner. This can happen from the outside and from the inside. Plants that form strong and pointed runners are not suitable for pond edges. They include mainly bamboo and reed species. If you still want to plant these plants there, you have to place a rhizome barrier of at least 80 cm around it or at least along the pond. In the pond, pond reeds are dangerous for the liners. It should generally only be placed in the pond in a stable and closed container. In addition, the growth must be checked frequently and regularly. It forms strong spurs that puncture the film like cheese. In the swamp area it is often the loosestrife that damages the foils, often already in the first summer.


If there is a regular lack of water in the garden pond, this can have various causes, from natural ones Evaporation, through a defect in the pond liner, to the deduction of plants and soil due to missing capillary barrier. It is important to find out the cause first. More than 90 percent of the time it is the capillary barrier or the lack of this. This is where most of the water is lost. It is often tedious and time-consuming to repair the error. The pond owner is often simply uninformed or badly advised and has made mistakes when constructing the pond or when planting. Therefore, good preparation is particularly important before putting a pond in the garden. Many things can be avoided, which saves money, time and nerves.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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