Germination time of lawn in days

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Table of contents

  • time
  • seed
  • germination time
  • affect germination time
  • Preparation
  • sowing
  • After sowing

No garden in this country without a lawn! In most cases, the lush green is the heart of every garden, no matter how small. However, to get a magnificent lawn, you need a little patience. Germination alone can take up to three weeks. Fortunately, this can be accelerated with a few targeted measures and the right preparation.

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In principle, lawns can be sown all year round. Since the seeds are hardy, sowing in frosty temperatures is at least theoretically possible. However, you have to reckon with the fact that it will take a long time for germination to take place. However, germination as quickly as possible has a direct influence on the closedness of the later lawn. It is therefore advisable to only sow lawns when the weather is favorable for germination. This requires a minimum floor temperature of ten degrees Celsius. It also needs adequate moisture. April and May as well as August and September have therefore proven to be the ideal sowing months.


Spring sowing is ideally done after Easter. If you prefer a later date, you should choose September.


The quality of the seed is of particular importance. There are essentially two types available commercially: cheap mixtures and expensive, high-quality mixtures. Both work, of course. It makes sense that cheaper mixtures germinate faster in most cases. High-quality seeds, on the other hand, often have a slightly longer germination period. However, that also makes sense. A certain germination time is necessary so that the lawn can later develop as evenly and densely as possible. Rapid germination may calm your own impatience, but it does not necessarily lead to a beautiful lawn.


Since it is ultimately the result that counts, only high-quality seed mixtures should be used. The higher price is quickly put into perspective, since later overseeding can usually be dispensed with.

germination time

But how long does it take for the grass seed to germinate? Unfortunately, a concrete answer to this question is not possible. The germination time depends on two factors - namely the quality of the seed and the weather conditions during and after sowing. In general, however, it can be said that germination should take place within a period of one to three weeks after sowing. So the lawn can take 7 to 21 days to germinate.

affect germination time

The germination time of the seed can be positively influenced, i.e. accelerated. Three measures play a role that should not be underestimated. They not only influence the later lawn area, but also the germination time. These measures are:

  • the proper preparation of the soil
  • the correct sowing
  • proper care after sowing

Each of these measures is about creating optimal conditions for the seeds. In other words: If these conditions are right, the seeds will also germinate more easily and therefore faster.


Germination time of lawn

In order for the seeds to germinate as quickly as possible and for an optimal lawn to develop later, the soil must be as weed-free, even and level as possible. In most cases, the floor must be specially prepared for this. The following steps are necessary:

  • Work the soil well with a spade or motor hoe
  • then collect root pieces and larger stones
  • rake the surface smooth with a rake
  • then create a planum with the rake as a smooth surface
  • Compact the surface lengthwise and crosswise with a roller
  • let the soil sit for a few days before sowing

During this preparatory work, care must be taken to ensure that no bumps form. Water can later collect in these bumps, which would have a negative effect on both germination and lawn formation. Unevenness should be evened out with the rake. The aim is always to produce a uniform, smooth surface.


A motor rake and a roller can easily be borrowed for a small fee from specialist shops or hardware stores.


When sowing, it is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions, which can be found on the packaging. With regard to germination, it is important that the area is raked lengthwise and crosswise with a rake immediately after sowing. This means that the individual seeds get optimal contact with the ground after the final rollers. And that in turn ensures that they germinate faster.

After sowing

The seeds need enough water to germinate at all. The entire area should therefore be watered with a swivel sprinkler immediately after sowing. In dry, i.e. rain-free, weather, watering is carried out daily in the days after sowing. Irrigation is always recommended. It should be done about four times a day and last about ten minutes. Again, an adequate water supply is important as the seed is extremely sensitive to drought and may die at this stage.

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