Spawning time: when do goldfish spawn?

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When do goldfish spawn

table of contents

  • goldfish
  • Favorable conditions
  • Design of the garden pond
  • water
  • Lining
  • Multiplication
  • Protective measures
  • Fishing

Raising goldfish is easy when the outside conditions are right. Because then the ornamental fish reproduce naturally, without any further human intervention. It is important that the spawn and young fish are protected from predators. Therefore, comfort and protection zones should be created in the pond, not just for the spawning season.


Favorable conditions

As a rule, goldfish reproduce naturally on their own. However, the external conditions must be right for this, and not only during the spawning season. Therefore, when designing the garden pond, make sure that the ornamental fish can choose between different comfort zones. Goldfish also need a lot of space. Therefore, the first stocking should be counted: there are two goldfish for every cubic meter of water.

Design of the garden pond

Goldfish are particularly comfortable in ponds that have multiple levels. In addition, at least a third of the pond surface should be shaded. Aquatic plants for different depths also create “feel-good zones” for the goldfish. They also serve as food, shelter and shade. Since the fish bottom out, they need a natural substrate, for example gravel or soil. Stones are also valuable aids in pond design.

Tip: If the pond is very varied, the fish can choose between different comfort zones and seek protection from enemies. Large-leaved aquatic plants are suitable as hiding places.

Aquatic plants are a natural filter for the garden pond. In addition, the fertilized eggs can attach to the plants after spawning. Nevertheless, you should integrate an additional filter into the pond so that the water quality for goldfish can be maintained. It also prevents algae.

The garden pond is a habitat for mosquitoes


Goldfish are very robust when it comes to water quality, but when the water is of a certain quality, they feel more comfortable. Therefore, you should carry out or perform a water analysis before the first stocking. have it carried out.

Ideal water values ​​for the ornamental fish are:

  • pH value: 7 to 8
  • Water hardness: 12 to 18 dH
  • Carbonate hardness: 10 to 14 dH
  • less than 0.1 milligrams per liter of ammonium
  • less than 0.1 milligrams per liter of nitrite
  • less than 25 milligrams per liter of nitrate
  • less than 20 milligrams per liter of carbon dioxide

The water temperature should be between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius in summer and between 6 and 14 degrees Celsius in winter. Some cultivated forms of ornamental fish also need warmer temperatures in winter.

Tip: When creating the garden pond, make sure that it is deep enough so that the water does not cool down too much in winter.


Goldfish find their food by gudging on the bottom as they feed on aquatic plants and aquatic organisms. If the garden pond is set up appropriately, the fish do not have to be fed daily. If the number of fish increases, you should feed them.

Species-appropriate food for the ornamental fish is available from specialist retailers in the form of pellets, flakes or granules. Provide variety in the food. You can also give your goldfish water fleas or mosquito larvae. When adding more food, it is important that there are no food residues left in the pond, as they affect the water quality. Therefore feed the fish in several stages. If any food remains, you should definitely remove it. The leftover food is considered to be food that has not been eaten after about two minutes.

Goldfish in the pond

Tip: How much food your fish actually need can only be determined through experience. Start with a small amount and increase it until there is leftover food. A spoon and / or measuring cup will help determine the correct amount.


If these external conditions are correct, the ornamental fish should reproduce naturally. The spawning season of the fish ranges from spring to summer. The fish begin their courtship at a water temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. The females can spawn up to ten times per spawning season. But don't worry, the entire offspring will never survive a spawning season in nature.

You can tell whether the fish are willing to reproduce by the fact that the males constantly nudge the females behind. This behavior is intended to encourage the females to lay their eggs. The eggs themselves are then fertilized by males. The spawn then attaches itself to finely feathered aquatic plants. It has a caterpillar-like shape and a shiny silver color. The young goldfish hatch within a few days. For the first few days they feed on the yolk sac that attaches to them. If this is used up, microorganisms are on the menu of the young fish.

Goldfish as ornamental fish

Protective measures

In order for the ornamental fish to reproduce and breed successfully, the spawn must already be protected from predators. This also includes conspecifics, because the ornamental fish are cannibals. The offspring are often eaten shortly after spawning.

Young goldfish, which are one to two millimeters tall when hatched, are naturally protected by their dark color, which serves as camouflage. They only get their golden color after about a year. Since your own offspring is also on the menu of adult fish, you should offer them protection. A shallow watering hole with dense vegetation is suitable for this.


It is best to protect the fertilized eggs after spawning when they are removed from the pond. Therefore, when you are breeding goldfish, you should remove the spawn from the pond and put it in an aquarium. Since the fish spend their first year of life there, this nursery should be set up in a species-appropriate manner.

Tip: Protect the suction tube of the filter with a fleece so that the small fish (1-2 mm) are not sucked in.

After a year, the young goldfish have reached the stately size of four centimeters. Then they can be carefully given to their large relatives in the garden pond.