17 hardy bee-friendly flowers

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Table of contents

  • Asters (Aster)
  • Blue catnip (Nepeta x faassenii)
  • Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla)
  • Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Goldenrod (Solidago)
  • Great masterwort (Astrantia major)
  • Indian nettle (Monarda didyma)
  • Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum)
  • Clustered Bellflower (Campanula glomerata)
  • Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
  • Globe thistle (Echinops ritro)
  • Maideneye (Coreopsis)
  • Musk mallow (Malva moschata)
  • Magnificent stonecrop (Sedum spectabile)
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
  • Larkspur (Delphinium)
  • Sunbride (Helenium)

More and more hobby gardeners are making their gardens bee-friendly in order to offer the little bees rich sources of food. It doesn't take a lot of resources to do that. Below we give you some tips for planting.

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Asters (Aster)

growth height: 5cm to 300cm

growth width: 20 to 90 cm


  • Flower head consisting of long ray and ray florets
  • in the middle small, yellow tubular flowers
  • Ray florets projecting horizontally from tubular florets
  • usually form a single-row sometimes also multi-row wreath
  • Diameter flower head 2 to 5 cm
  • Flowers terminal on slightly hairy stems
  • occurring singly or in groups
  • Color white, purple, red, pink and shades of blue


  • herbaceous growing
  • upright either branched or unbranched stems
  • creeping rhizomes
  • green ovate to lanceolate leaves
  • alternate on the stem
  • often forming a rosette of leaves at the bottom
  • Leaves either stalked or sessile
  • smooth or hairy
  • serrated or smooth leaf margin
  • leaves turn brown-grey in autumn

heyday: May to November

Asters - aster

Location: sunny to semi-shady


  • fresh
  • permeable
  • rich in nutrients and humus
  • normal garden soil is sufficient

Blue catnip (Nepeta x faassenii)

growth height: 30 to 60 cm

growth width: 20 to 30 cm


  • Flower color violet to blue
  • lip-shaped, small flowers in spikes together
  • strongly scented


  • loose and bushy
  • forming clumps
  • grey-green, fragrant, oval-heart-shaped leaves
  • Leaf margin serrated
Blue catnip (Nepeta x faassenii)

heyday: May to September

Location: sunny


  • pH neutral to slightly acidic
  • dry to fresh
  • sandy to loamy
  • well drained, moderately nutritious, mineral


Catnip is the perfect companion for roses.

Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla)

growth height: 10 to 60 cm

growth width: 30 to 50 cm


  • yellow-green, small single flowers
  • clustered together on hairy shoots


  • lush growing
  • woody rhizomes
  • round to kidney-shaped, yellowish-green leaves
  • palmately divided, fissured or lobed
  • partly hairy
  • serrated or serrated leaf margin


  • June to July
  • sometimes even into October

Location: sunny to semi-shady

Alchemilla, lady's mantle


  • nutritious
  • permeable
  • fresh to moderately moist
  • problem-free even on drier soils
  • loamy to sandy


Cutting back close to the ground immediately after flowering encourages new growth.

Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

growth height: 20 to 80 cm

growth width: 40 to 50 cm

Blossom: white, fragrant false umbel


  • prostrate to stiffly erect
  • forms foothills
  • soft, pinnate leaves
  • fragrant and dark green

heyday: July to September

Yarrow - Achillea

Location: sunny


  • fresh to moist
  • permeable
  • rich in humus
  • neutral to acidic


To prevent the plant from aging, it should be divided after four to five years.

Goldenrod (Solidago)

growth height: 50 to 120 cm

growth width: 55 to 60 cm


  • golden flower heads
  • together in panicles
  • Panicle branches slightly curved


  • compact and upright
  • leafy stems
  • forms clumps
  • smooth, deep green, lanceolate leaves
  • entire to serrated leaf margin
  • tapered at the end
  • Leaves alternate

heyday: July to September

Goldenrod - Solidago

Location: sunny


  • permeable and fresh
  • rich in humus
  • sandy to loamy

A notice:

The goldenrod tends to self-seed, so it should be cut back immediately after flowering. In addition, the flowers have a honey-like taste and are ideal for making syrup.

Great masterwort (Astrantia major)

growth height: 50 to 70 cm

growth width: 40 to 50 cm


  • simple, terminal umbel flowers
  • Colors green, red, white
  • greenish bracts


  • bushy
  • upright flower stalks
  • forms clumps
  • glossy green, palmately lobed leaves
  • sawn leaf edge

heyday: June to August

Great Masterwort - Astrantia major

Location: sunny to semi-shady


  • fresh to moderately moist
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • permeable
  • loamy to sandy
  • pH neutral
  • Plant loves lime

Indian nettle (Monarda didyma)

growth height: 80 to 150 cm

growth width: 50 to 70 cm


  • Flower color dark to light red
  • ball shaped
  • reddish bracts
  • pleasant smell


  • bushy, upright growing
  • forms foothills
  • lanceolate, pointed leaves
  • Underside softly hairy
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • deep green and fragrant
  • square stems

heyday: June to August

Indian nettle - Monarda didyma

Location: sunny to slightly semi-shady


  • permeable garden soil
  • fresh and nutritious
  • neutral area


The Indian nettle is also suitable for keeping in buckets. The leaves and flowers are edible. They are used to make tea and spices and in medicine.

Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum)

growth height: 60 to 70 cm

growth width: 40 to 50 cm


  • small, cupped, blue flowers
  • together in dense flower panicles
  • long yellow to orange stamens


  • upright
  • forming clumps
  • alternate, green, soft leaves
  • pinnate-elongated and entire

heyday: June to July

Jacob's Ladder - Polemonium caeruleum


  • prefers partial shade
  • sunny also possible


  • fresh to moist
  • permeable
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • sandy to loamy
  • slightly acidic to slightly alkaline

Clustered Bellflower (Campanula glomerata)

growth height: 50 to 60 cm

growth width: 25 to 30 cm


  • terminal, small, bell-shaped flowers
  • together in clusters
  • Color blue to dark violet
  • there is also a white breeding form


  • erect stems
  • basal tuft of leaves
  • foothills
  • lanceolate, rough, green-red leaves
  • finely hairy
  • Leaf margin slightly serrated

heyday: June to August

Clustered Bellflower - Campanula glomerata

Location: sunny to semi-shady


  • fresh to moderately moist
  • permeable
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • loamy to gravelly
  • pH alkaline
  • Plant loves lime

Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)

growth height: 10 to 75 cm

growth width: 20 to 30 cm


  • terminal single flower
  • radial shape
  • hemispherically convex, brown center of the flower
  • Flower color red with yellow edge


  • compact, dense and bushy
  • upright flower stalks
  • Leaves lanceolate, rounded at the tip
  • dark green in color and finely hairy
  • entire

heyday: July to October

Blanket Flower - Gaillardia

Location: sunny


  • fresh to moderately dry
  • permeable
  • rich in nutrients and humus
  • pebbly to sandy
  • slightly acidic to slightly alkaline
  • Plant tolerates lime


In severe frosts, the root area should be covered with fleece, leaves or brushwood

Globe thistle (Echinops ritro)

growth height: 60 to 100 cm

growth width: 60 to 80 cm


  • spherical buds with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm
  • Ball-shaped, light to violet-blue flowers
  • Development of a beautiful seed head after flowering


  • loose, upright
  • forming clumps
  • basal tuft of leaves
  • dull, grey-green, coarse leaves
  • pinnate
  • Leaf margin sinuate

heyday: July to September

Globe Thistle - Echinops

Location: sunny


  • dry to moderately moist
  • permeable
  • moderately rich in nutrients and humus
  • gritty to loamy
  • pH neutral
  • Plant tolerates lime

A notice:

The globe thistle tends to self-seed. A pruning in autumn is advisable.

Maideneye (Coreopsis)

growth height: 10 to 180cm

growth width: 30 to 50 cm


  • numerous radiating flowers
  • yellow with a dark center
  • there are also colored cultivated forms


  • compact, upright and bushy
  • forming clumps
  • pinnate, smooth, narrow, green leaves
  • entire

heyday: June to October

Maideneye - Coreopsis

Location: sunny


  • loose earth
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • permeable


Pruning back in late fall will ensure a lush bloom the following year

Musk mallow (Malva moschata)

growth height: 50 to 60 cm

growth width: 55 to 60 cm


  • soft pink
  • cupped
  • pleasantly scented


  • bushy, upright
  • forming clumps
  • filigree stems
  • delicate, narrow, green leaves

heyday: June to September

Musk Mallow - Malva moschata

Location: full sun


  • dry to fresh
  • permeable
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • loamy to sandy

A notice:

Musk mallow is a well-known medicinal plant for respiratory and urinary tract infections. The flowers are edible.

Magnificent stonecrop (Sedum spectabile)

growth height: 40 to 50 cm

growth width: 40 to 50 cm


  • star-shaped, small flowers
  • arranged in umbels
  • Umbels larger than 10 cm
  • Flower color dark red to crimson


  • bushy with erect flower stalks
  • forming clumps
  • tough, succulent, oval leaves
  • Leaf margin sinuate

heyday: August to September/October

Stonecrop - Sedum

Location: full sun


  • dry to fresh
  • permeable
  • normal garden soil

A notice:

After the flowers have faded, a beautiful infructescence forms. This stays on the bed for a long time.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

growth height: 80 to 100 cm

growth width: 40 to 50 cm


  • radiating inflorescences
  • purplish pink and slightly fragrant
  • domed, brown-red flower center
  • Flower head larger than 10 cm
  • initially ray florets standing horizontally
  • later slightly hanging down


  • upright and bushy
  • forming clumps
  • leafy stems
  • tough, rough, dark green, lanceolate leaves
  • entire

heyday: July to September

Purple Coneflower - Echinacea purpurea

Location: sunny to slightly semi-shady


  • permeable
  • fresh to moderately dry
  • rich in nutrients and humus
  • sandy to loamy
  • slightly acidic to alkaline
  • Plant tolerates lime

A notice:

The coneflower is a proven medicinal plant.

Larkspur (Delphinium)

growth height: 150 to 180 cm

growth width: 70 to 80 cm


  • small, semi-double flowers with a white center
  • together in panicles
  • backward pointing spur on the back of the flower
  • Colors light to dark blue, white, violet


  • upright
  • forming clumps
  • Flower stalks leafy
  • dull green, deeply dissected, palmate leaves
  • lobed leaf margin

heyday: June to September

Larkspur - Delphinium

Location: sunny with low underplanting


  • fresh to slightly moist
  • permeable
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • loamy

A notice:

Toxic alkaloids are contained in all parts of the plant, mainly the seed. In order to obtain a second bloom, a handbreadth above the ground is cut back after the main bloom.

Sunbride (Helenium)

growth height: 60 to 160 cm

growth width: up to 80 cm


  • one or more flower heads per stem
  • spherical to hemispherical in shape
  • in the middle small, brown flowers
  • all around wheel-shaped arrangement of ray florets
  • Petals fused into a tube
  • Color from yellow to orange to copper red


  • upright, bushy
  • forming clumps
  • erect stems
  • alternate, dark green leaves
  • Shape oval to lanceolate or pinnate
  • Leaf margin serrated

heyday: June to October

Sunbride - Helenium


  • sunny and sheltered from the wind
  • the sunnier, the brighter the flowers
  • light penumbra for plants with dark flowers


  • fresh to moist
  • rich in nutrients and humus
  • loamy preferred
  • slightly acidic to slightly alkaline
  • Plant tolerates lime


To strengthen the growth potential, a radical pruning should be carried out in the first year immediately after flowering.

author Home editorial office

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