Strongly scented plants and flowers for your garden and home

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Table of contents

  • Scented plants for the home
  • Scented plants for the garden
  • frequently asked Questions
  • Worth knowing about fragrant flowers in brief
  • Planting and care tips

A garden is probably only perfect when enticing scents join the most diverse shapes and colors of the plants. The fresh, lively scent of a flower or a leaf has a positive influence on our well-being and cannot be compared with anything else. The scent of lavender evokes memories of your last vacation in France, and blue world champion, lilac and tuberose create romantic images in your head. Many of the fragrant fellows can be cleverly arranged with each other and with other plants.

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Scented plants for the home

Gardenia – Gardenia jasminoides

  • comes from China
  • jasmine-like scent

Wreath Snare – Stephanotis floribunda

  • Climbing plant from Madagascar
  • impresses with its beguiling fragrance and snow-white flowers

Scented Jasmine – Jasminum polyanthum

  • also called mock orange or false jasmine
  • intensely fragrant flowers in the evening hours

orchid species

  • smell at different times of the day, depending on the species
  • Fragrance notes range from sweet to lemony to musty (Stanhopea)
  • the scented orchids include: Phalaenopsis violacea, Cattleya aclandiae, Maxillaria picta or Aerangis mooreana

Hyacinth – Hyacinthus orientalis

  • smell differently depending on the species
  • weakly scented: 'White Pearl', 'Pink Pearl' and 'Blue Pearl'
  • subtle fragrance: pink 'Splendid Cornelia' and 'Anna Marie'
  • intense smelling: 'Delft Blue' and 'Blue Star'

Tuberose—Polianthes tuberosa

  • smells intensely sweet in the evening hours
  • Due to the beguiling scent, it is a frequent component in perfume production

Orange tree – Citrus sinensis

  • pleasantly scented citrus
  • floriferous
  • donates tiny sour fruits in summer

Sweet osmanthus - Osmanthus fragrans

  • smells intense and lovely of peach blossoms
  • ideal for conservatories
  • numerous flowers in different colors: from pale orange to bright yellow to the golden tone of apricot

Winged Candlebush - Cassia didymobotrya

  • also called spice bark or peanut cassava
  • intense scent of peanuts
  • impresses with vertically growing, candle-like inflorescences

Indoor cypress – Cupressus macrocarpa

  • very own scent of lemon
  • robust houseplant that forgives care mistakes

Silver Wattle – Acacia dealbata

  • also known as yellow mimosa
  • Blossoms spread a characteristic delicate scent of violets
  • shines in white, yellow or orange tones in the winter season

Myrtle – Myrtus communis

  • the small, distinctive flowers and the dark, shiny leaves exude an unmistakable scent
  • used to be a symbol of fertility, later popular bridal jewelry

Scented Pelargonium

  • Depending on the type, particularly intense, aromatic or sweet nutty scents (cedar, lemon, apple, carrot, eucalyptus, rose, camphor, mint)
  • countless color and shape spectrum of the flowers


The flowering of houseplants can be extended if they are in cooler locations and the soil is always kept moist.

Scented plants for the garden

Blue World Champion – Asperula azurea

  • annual plant with sky blue flowers
  • blooms from June to September
  • exudes a sweet, pleasant floral scent

Ornamental tobacco – Nicotiana sanderae

  • Trumpet-shaped flowers open in the evening and emit a delightful fragrance
  • The variety of colors of the flowers ranges from white to pink to red
  • Flowering period June to September

Miracle Flower - Mirabilis jalapa

  • smells pleasantly of oranges
  • appears in different flower colors (white, yellow, crimson)
  • Continuous bloomers from June to October
  • evening bloomers

Farmer's tobacco - Nicotiana alata

  • also known as wing tobacco and violet tobacco
  • exudes a beguiling and heavy sweet fragrance from evening to morning
  • impresses with green-yellowish flowers until the first frosty nights

Gingerbread tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)

  • fascinating plant that spreads its intense fragrance more strongly in humid weather
  • When the leaves dry up, the scent that reminds you of freshly baked cakes disappears
  • Deciduous small tree with crimson flowers in April and yellow-orange in autumn

Sweet Vetch – Lathyrus odoratus

  • annual climber with colorful butterfly flowers
  • smells intensely and slightly of orange

Angel Trumpet – Datura

  • nightshade
  • Trumpet-shaped leaves spread an intoxicating scent
Lavender is one of the most popular aromatic plants for the garden

Heliotrope—Heliotropium arborescens

  • also called vanilla plant and solstice
  • violet to lavender-blue flowers exude an intense, characteristic scent


  • varied scented plant
  • intense floral and balmy scent

Magnolia - Magnolia

  • delight with their wealth of shapes and colours
  • white, red or pink flowers exude a pleasant sweet scent
  • many ways

Thyme – Thymus vulgaris

  • Medicinal plant with a wide range of uses
  • in summer, small, delicate pink flowers appear
  • Blossoms and leaves exude a spicy scent

Curry herb – Helichrysum italicum

  • also known as Italian helichrysum
  • Leaves and flowers exude a tasty curry aroma with a note of sage
  • evergreen shrub whose yellow to dark yellow flower heads appear from June to August


  • perennial fragrant summer bloomer
  • enchanting, almost beguiling, lovely fragrance
  • scores with white or purple flowers that bloom from May to June

Snow Forsythia – Abeliophyllum distichum

  • Spring bloomers with delicate white to pale pink flowers
  • smells pleasantly of almonds
  • develops small, round nuts in summer

Wallflower—Erysimum cheiri

  • golden-yellow petals exude an aromatic, sweet fragrance
  • different multicolored varieties
  • spring bloomers

Wisteria – Wisteria

  • also known as blue rain or Chinaflor
  • ornamental shrub with long-stemmed leaves and white, blue or pink flower clusters
  • exudes a charming, spicy-sweet fragrance in the evening hours

Witch Hazel - Witch Hazel

  • fascinating winter bloomer
  • presents itself with thread-like, bright yellow to red petals
  • exudes a sweet scent of honey

Rockrose - Cistus

  • aromatic fragrant shrub
  • plentiful

Flame Flower - Phlox

  • more or less fragrant depending on the variety
  • The color spectrum ranges from white to pink and red tones to dark violet

Arabian Marigold – Cladanthus arabicus

  • tireless summer flower
  • smells intensely of ripe banana
  • easy-care daisy family with bright yellow daisy-like flowers

Chocolate Flower (Berlandiera lyriata)

  • perennial container plant with bright yellow inflorescence
  • gives off an intensely fragrant, typical chocolate smell
  • grows up to 30 cm high

Scented Stone Rich (Lobularia maritima)

  • smells like honey
  • forms carpets of white or soft pink flowers from April to October
  • is suitable as a traffic light plant or in the garden

Tip: If possible, low-growing aromatic plants should be cultivated in tubs, high boxes and raised beds. This way you can enjoy the flavors better.

frequently asked Questions

I want to create a little oasis in a corner of my garden that I can retreat to. The corner is relatively sunny. Which scented plants are suitable?

A combination of vanilla flower, ornamental tobacco and aromatic stone rich is recommended here. These plants give off a pleasant, sweet scent that has a relaxing effect.

Are there also scented plants that can be kept in the bathroom?

You don't have to do without fragrant plants in the bathroom either. A plant like the gardenia is happy when it is allowed to stand in a room with a lot of light and high humidity.

Worth knowing about fragrant flowers in brief

Fragrant spring flowers

Flower bulbs and tubers produce their leaves, flowers and seeds in a very short time in spring. They herald the spring and enrich garden and park landscapes with their colorful splendor. The best-known and most popular early bloomers include the bleeding heart, grape hyacinth, crocus, Snowdrops, snowflakes, Christmas roses, daffodils, tulips, anemones, pansies, horned violets and Chimney sweeper. Bulbs and bulbs are at their best when planted in groups. They are suitable for planting beds and borders. Crocuses and snowdrops also look very good on lawns. Spring bloomers are already planted in late summer. Insensitive species can also be planted in October.

Fragrant ornamental shrubs, shrubs and trees

Not only early bloomers and summer flowers have a lush and fragrant bloom. Ornamental shrubs and trees also form numerous blossoms and fruit decorations, which ensure a dominant focus in the garden landscape. The popular hedge shrubs include the flowering firethorn hedge, the spirea hedge, the tree of life hedge and the hedge barberry. They give the garden a framework and are particularly effective when alternated with other spring and summer flowers. Rhododendrons, fire maple, butterfly bushes, magnolias, rose deutzia and hydrangeas ensure particularly pronounced flower formation. Ornamental trees are ideally planted in autumn.

Fragrant summer flowers and perennials

The glorious bloom of summer flowers and perennials presents itself throughout the summer season. Colorful beds and borders as well as wildflower areas give the garden a harmonious expression if growth heights and colors are carefully coordinated. Delphinium, lavender, daisies, foxglove, loosestrife, carnation, poppy, weigela and phlox are perennial perennials that provide a colorful contrast to green lawns. Hollyhocks are a real eye-catcher and are particularly suitable for planting on walls, fences and facades. The picturesque flower stalks and pompous blooms of the hollyhocks add style and charm to the garden setting. The mallows thrive in sunny locations. They bloom in countless colors, from white to champagne, pink, red to black-red.

Planting and care tips

All summer flowers, perennials, ornamental shrubs and trees have different care requirements. For lush flowering and healthy growth, it is important to follow the appropriate care instructions. Quality should be considered when purchasing plants. Site selection and the right soil are just as important as adequate water and nutrient supply. Diseased or withered plant parts are removed immediately to extend the flowering period. The correct planting time and depth are also important prerequisites for the thriving of summer flowers, perennials, shrubs and trees.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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