Changing the water in the whirlpool: when and how often?

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Table of contents

  • Why a water change?
  • frequency
  • time
  • Facilitate cleaning when changing the water

Like any pool used by humans and filled with water, the water in a whirlpool becomes cloudy. This is caused by a lack of water changes, which should always be done at regular intervals. As a result, you only bathe in fresh water that is free of numerous impurities. How often and when you should change the water in the hot tub is extremely important.

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Why a water change?

Many hot tub owners wonder what the point of a water change is? That's especially the case if it's your first time Set up a hot tub in the garden or it stands on the terrace and is used. The water change is necessary due to the numerous deposits that lead to the pollution of the water. This soiling ranges from a slight turbidity to the formation of foul odors that are very unpleasant. In addition to regular care measures, the water change is necessary to maintain the quality of the water. In this case, since you drain slightly to heavily used water from the whirlpool and replace it with fresh water, you can enjoy your time in the pool again. The following causes are responsible for cloudy and unpleasantly smelling water:

  • used disinfectant
  • used care products
  • care neglected
  • organic materials such as foliage
  • dead insects
  • body fluids
  • Oils and fats
  • Hair
  • wrong pH value
  • high temperatures
  • intense sunlight
  • pollen
  • rainwater
Jacuzzi - water change

Above all, whirlpools in gardens that are not covered after use quickly become cloudy. Summer in particular proves to be difficult for whirlpool owners, for example if it is placed near a tree. In this case, a lot of dirt particles get into the water. No matter which of these causes is responsible for cloudy water in the hot tub, changing the water will help you to eliminate it.


In addition to the actual time of the water change, it is important to know how often it has to be done. Of course, the water change depends on the degree of pollution of the water, which can become very cloudy within a short time if care is neglected. Of course, you should change the water immediately if it is very cloudy or really stinks. But you can counteract this problem by regularly changing the water in the hot tub. Precisely defined intervals are recommended, as they are particularly effective against dirt. The following list gives you an overview of how often the water change is recommended based on the pollution:

  • slightly cloudy: twice a year
  • slightly to moderately soiled: three times a year
  • heavily soiled: immediately or every two months

As you can see the frequency is highly dependent on the water quality and for this reason these are isolated cases. If you find your water has been slightly cloudy for several months and doesn't really smell bad, you only need to consider changing the water every six months. Conversely, if the spa is heavily used or not protected from the elements, a bi-monthly change may be necessary. Most frequently used whirlpools fall into this category. Especially when many different people are enjoying the whirlpool, numerous dirt particles settle in the water. You can delay this with the tips below.


As with a pool, you should choose the right time for each change interval. This maximizes the effect of the change and at the same time reduces the amount of cleaning required over the coming months. The time does not depend on how dirty the water in the whirlpool is, but on the season. Especially during the summer months it is important not to let the water tip over, which you can do by changing the water at the right time. Depending on the interval you choose, you should start at one of the following water change times:

  • early spring
  • after intense pollen flight
  • end of autumn
Water change in the whirlpool

The first water change of the year is carried out particularly often in spring. This removes dirt from the winter and at the same time refreshes the water for the coming summer. If your whirlpool is well protected over the winter, the middle or end of May is a better time to replace it, since the pollen count is over in many regions by this time. If the water is changed every six months, the water in the whirlpool is renewed according to the frequency in spring and at the end of autumn. These deadlines facilitate implementation and optimize the result.

A notice:

If you own a constantly filled whirlpool in your house, you can of course decide when to change it yourself. However, it is worth changing before summer, as more people visit the whirlpool during this time, especially if you have frequent visitors.

Facilitate cleaning when changing the water

Changing the water always includes cleaning the pool, which can be quite time-consuming depending on the previous care of the whirlpool. The reason for this are the deposits mentioned above, which can get out of hand due to a lack of care measures. This is possible above all if you only clean the whirlpool during the water change and otherwise only pay little attention. In this case, the change is necessary much earlier. With the following tips, you can delay the time of the water change to a full six months:

1. Have a shower: Don't underestimate the power of a quick but thorough shower. This removes numerous cloudy water triggers from your skin, leaving the water significantly cleaner. Especially after you have washed yourself with soap, you should never get into the whirlpool without showering.

2. Swimwear: Don't forget to shower off your swimwear next to your body if you're wearing them in the hot tub. A lot of soap residue, sweat and oils can accumulate in men's swimming trunks in particular.

3. PH value: Yes, the pH level in a hot tub is important when it is constantly filled with water. If this is not correct, the water will become unstable within a short time and can tip over, which can lead to severe cloudiness and a foul smell. Hot tubs should have a pH between 7.0 and 7.5 to keep the water stable and reduce the need for frequent changes.

4. Filter cleaning: Don't forget to clean your filter regularly. A water change every two months is necessary if you do not clean the filter often enough to allow for optimal performance. Clean the filter every four weeks, even in winter if you use it during the cold season. A clean water filter saves you a lot of work if you spend a lot of time in the hot tub.

5. Disinfection: It pays to treat hot tubs with a sanitizer every week or two. Disinfection is particularly effective in the summertime, when it is used more frequently. The remedies only have to be added to the water to take effect. This is a good way to prevent cloudy water.

Jacuzzi - water change

With these tips, it will be easy to maintain the quality of the water over a longer period of time. This is particularly necessary in frequently used or unprotected whirlpools and can save you a lot of work.


Obtain a cover for your hot tub that will be used primarily during the annual pollen season and fall leaf fall. In this way you protect the pool from organic materials that would cloud the water, which at the same time delays the necessary change.

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