When do daisies bloom? Information about the flowering time

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Daisies in the meadow

table of contents

  • Blooming time of daisies
  • Daisies as a weather prophet
  • Influencing factors
  • Extension of the flowering period

Who does not know her? Daisies (Bellis perennis), also known as Tausendschön, Maßliebchen or Gänseliesl, the small, perennial and undemanding perennials. You can find them everywhere, even in sparse places they enchant with their lovely flowers. In addition to the wild form, there are also numerous cultivated forms. The small white-yellow ray flowers or the red, white or pink flower balls of the cultivated forms accompany us almost all year round. Of course, a lot can be done for a long-lasting bloom. Here are a few tips.

Blooming time of daisies

The daisy is, in the truest sense of the word, a real little "hard-working Lieschen". The small basket-shaped inflorescences appear almost all year round. Of course, there are also differences between the common daisy (Bellis perennis) and the cultivated forms (Bellis perennis hybrids). The wild form is more robust in its constitution and therefore also has a longer flowering time. They withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C.

  • Wild form: March to October / November
  • Cultivated form: March to August

Sometimes in mild winters, when other plants are still in hibernation, the small flowers appear as early as January or February. The common daisy is slowly showing the end of winter. In mild regions, for example wine-growing areas on the Lower Rhine or in gardens with a protected microclimate, it can bloom all year round.

Daisies, Bellis perennis

tip: After the flowering period, propagation takes place by self-sowing. If not desired, the dead flowers must be removed regularly. A daily check is necessary for this.

Daisies as a weather prophet

The rather modest daisy can give clues about the coming weather. It always faces the sun, east in the morning and west in the evening. The small flowers only open when the weather is nice and stable. If the humidity increases and the risk of rain increases in the next few hours, the flower heads close or remain closed immediately. They also close in the evening after sunset.

Influencing factors

Location influences flowering time

Daisies are real sun worshipers. The right location and the nature of the soil guarantee a long and uninterrupted bloom. Love the small perennials

  • a sunny to partially shaded location
  • a loose, humus and nutrient-rich, permeable soil
  • Loam content in the soil is tolerated
  • Normal potting soil is sufficient in the bucket
  • a drainage layer if kept in a bucket

In shady places and also in heavy, wet clay soils, there is also flowering, but this is usually quite sparse and the flowering time is also very shortened.

Water during flowering

As a rule, daisies are very modest and unpretentious. Care is hardly necessary. However, a lot can be done for a lush and long-lasting bloom, such as

  • from March to September a 14-day application of liquid fertilizer
  • water regularly, especially when growing in pots
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Calcareous water is tolerated
  • a radical pruning in spring and autumn
  • Winter protection for cultivated forms in the bed (fir branches) and tubs (jute bags, bubble wrap)

Normally, the common daisy hardly needs watering in the bed, only on hot days and during long periods of heat.

Daisies, Bellis

tip: Daisies in the tub have to be watered occasionally on frost-free days, even in winter, so that they do not dry out.

Extension of the flowering period

Not much is needed to extend the flowering period. You just have to pay attention to a few things:

  • Regular trimming of dead flowers
  • this stimulates the formation of new flowers
  • easily possible when keeping buckets or other vessels
  • very difficult and very time-consuming in large clumps outdoors
  • After the main flowering, cut back perennials a hand's width, followed by a second flowering

If cleaning out becomes too time-consuming, different Bellis perennis varieties can also be planted. These often have different flowering times. In this case, abundant flowering occurs most of the year.

tip: The wild and cultivated forms of the daisy are edible and a good source of vitamins. The slightly pungent aroma is suitable for many dishes. Besides that, they also stimulate the metabolism and it is good for the skin and internal organs.